7.5 Resources and References
Key Terms
blended family: See stepfamily.
cohabitation: When a couple shares a residence but is not married.
extended family: A household that includes at least one parent and child as well as other relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
family: Socially Recognized groups of individuals who may be joined by blood, marriage, or adoption, and who form an emotional connection and an economic unit of society.
incest taboo: The social rule that an individual may not have sex with or marry someone who is a close blood relative.
intimate partner violence (IPV): Violence that occurs between individuals who maintain a romantic or sexual relationship; includes unmarried, cohabiting, and same-sex couples, as well as heterosexual married couples.
kinship: A person’s traceable ancestry (by blood, marriage, and/or adoption).
kinship system: A system of social organization based on real or putative family ties.
marriage: A legally recognized contract between two or more people in a sexual relationship, who have an expectation of permanence about their relationship.
nuclear family: A cohabiting man and woman who are married and have at least one biological child under the age of 18.
polyamory: The practice of sharing intimate relationships with more than one partner.
polyandry: A form of marriage in which one woman is married to more than one man at one time.
polygamy: The state of being committed or married to more than one person at a time.
polygyny: A form of marriage in which one man is married to more than one woman at one time.
shaken-baby syndrome: A group of medical symptoms, such as brain swelling and retinal hemorrhage, resulting from forcefully shaking or impacting an infant’s head.
stepfamily: A couple family in which at least one child is the biological or adopted child of only one married spouse or common-law partner and whose birth or adoption preceded the current relationship.
total divorce rate: A projection of how many new marriages are expected to fail after 30 years, based on the divorce rate by marriage duration observed in a given year.
unilateral descent: The tracing of kinship through one parent only.
Quiz Questions
1. Sociologists tend to define family in terms of:
- Relationships of people who are connected through blood, marriage, or adoption.
- The connection of bloodlines and genetic descent.
- The status roles of breadwinner, home-maker and dependent children that exist in a family structure.
- Groups who share an emotional bond.
2. Same-sex couple households account for______ per cent of Canadian households.
- 1
- 10
- 15
- 30
3. In general, children in _______ households benefit from divorce.
- Stepfamily
- Fluid modernity
- High-conflict
- Low-conflict
Future Research
7.1 What is Marriage? What is a Family?
In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss family life from a sociological lens. Sociology of Families – Values, Roles & Media in the Construction of Family
7.2 Variations in Family Life
For more statistics on marriage and family, see the Statistics Canada page on Families, Households and Marital Status.
7.4 Challenges Families Face
To find more information on child abuse, visit the Canadian Child Welfare Research portal.
Introduction to Marriage and Family
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7.1 What is Marriage? What is a Family?
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7.2 Variations in Family Life
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7.3 Theoretical Perspectives on Marriage and the Family
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7.4 Challenges that Families Face
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