This open textbook was overseen by Sault College.

The development of this open educational resource was funded by the Province of Ontario and eCampusOntario (OOLC).

A Note From the Author
A special thank-you goes to Sault College Child and Youth Care students Nadia Grbich, Elicia O’Brien, and Sarah Tremelling for providing me with feedback and guidance along this journey. Your student perspective was invaluable and provided me with the assurance I was on the right track throughout the creation of this resource.
This resource would never have come to fruition without the incredible support of Amanda Baker-Robinson, Instructional Designer extraordinaire! Your knowledge of Universal Design for Learning, Pressbooks, and Accessibility has made this resource one that I am very proud to use with my students. Thank you so much for your ongoing support, professionalism, and encouragement!
To Rhett Andrew, Language and Communication Department Coordinator and Faculty. Thank you so very much for your attention to detail and support in editing this resource for me. I would never have picked up on all the missing Oxford commas and citation errors without you.
Chi Miigwetch to Carolyn Hepburn, Dean of the School of Indigenous Studies and Academic Upgrading. I greatly appreciate all the times you met with me, provided me with suggested resources/contacts, and supported my process of ensuring I was being respectful and accurate with the Indigenous-specific content for this resource.
I would also like to acknowledge Community Placement supervisors Denise Berg, Jenna Polutanovich, and Chantelle Day for providing me with their insight into the supervisor perspective of CYC student placements and feedback on how to best prepare students for placement.
Thank you also to my fantastic work colleagues: Child and Youth Care faculty Donna Mansfield, Shelly Nelson-Bond, Lisa Guzzo, and Sandy MacDonald. Without your feedback, patience, kindness, and support, the development of this resource might not have happened!
Last, but certainly not least, thank you to my incredible partner in life, Dustin Jones, and my two wonderful children for putting up with me this past year! The switch to working remotely had its ups and downs but you have been so patient and understanding of my work. I definitely couldn’t have done this without your support and encouragement.
Melanie Jones