1.7 Summary

This module introduced you to professionalism in the context of the Child and Youth Care practitioner’s  actions and choices. Together, when we all practice professionalism, and respect the boundaries of those around us, we contribute to a respectful workplace for our colleagues and our clients.
You were also introduced to the basics of ethics as they pertain to the CYC profession. You navigated several case studies where you applied the ethics you were learning about.
Finally, you learned about the importance of supervision in the area of Child and Youth Care.

Additional Resources

Child and Youth Care Certification Board (CYCCB). (2016). Competencies. College Station, TX.

Curry, D., Eckles, F., Stuart, C., & Qaqish, B. (2010). National child and youth care practitioner professional certification: Promoting competent care for children and youth. Child Welfare, 89(2), 57–77.



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