1.2 An Introduction to Professionalism

The Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations (CCCYCA) defines Child and Youth Care (CYC) practice as one that

focuses on the developmental needs of children, youth, and families within the space of time of their daily lives. People who work in the field are dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth and families through an active and engaged recognition of the competence and value of the people with whom they work. (as cited in Stuart & Fryer, 2021, p. 6)

To be able to do this kind of work, one requires an understanding of what Child and Youth Care involves, as well as a level of professionalism and ethical behaviour that is in line with the values of Child and Youth Care.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n.d.), professionalism refers to “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person” (para. 1). Professionalism is profoundly linked with the development of a respectful workplace and a shared standard of norms and behaviours among people in the same field.

This section will review the competencies under the professional domain identified by the Child and Youth Care Certification Board (CYCCB).  The CYCCB (2016a) states:

Professional practitioners are generative and flexible; they are self-directed and have a high degree of personal initiative. Their performance is consistently reliable. They function effectively both independently and as a team member. Professional practitioners are knowledgeable about what constitutes a profession and engage in professional and personal development and self-care. The professional practitioner is aware of the function of professional ethics and uses professional ethics to guide and enhance practice and advocates effectively for children, youth, families, and the profession. (para. 1)

After reviewing the CYCCB Professional competencies, this module will continue to explore ethics and ethical practices in CYC, including scenarios to reflect on and work through. Next, there will be a chapter that looks at personal and professional boundaries, followed by an introductory look at supervision for entry-level CYC workers.

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Introduction to Field Placement Copyright © 2022 by Melanie Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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