Vocabulary: Meats and other products

Use the table below to review the vocabulary words related to foods. Listen to the French pronunciations using the following audio recording.

Use the LRRL technique (Listen, Repeat, Record (your voice), and Listen (to your voice recording compared to the original recording) to learn the following terms.


AUDIO French English

de la viande meat
du poisson fish
du pain  bread
des œufs eggs
du jambon  ham
du lait milk

Exercise 1: Quels sont vos goûts (tastes)?

Make a list of the foods you like and don’t like to eat.

J’aime (I love)…
Je déteste (I hate)…

Select the play button to hear an example.


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Introduction to French (2nd ed.) Copyright © 2017 by Rita Palacios; Edited by Michelle Schwartz; and Michèle Phillips is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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