- open-ended question
A type of question that invites the client to share descriptive answers, open up about their experience, and let them answer in a way that is most relevant or comfortable from their perspective.
- care partners
Care partners are family and friends who are involved in helping to care for the client.
- closed-ended question
A direct question that is asked when you are seeking precise information.
- closed-ended questions
A direct question that is asked when you are seeking precise information.
- health equity
Fair opportunity to reach one’s fullest health potential.
- Interaction Model of communication
- open-ended question
A type of question that invites the client to share descriptive answers, open up about their experience, and let them answer in a way that is most relevant or comfortable from their perspective.
- relational inquiry approach
Assumes each person is a relational being who is influenced by those around them, their communities, and social and cultural processes.
- trauma-informed approach
Assumes trauma, does not require disclosure, and promotes client safety, control, and choice.
- way-of-being
A statement that refers to how someone behaves and acts and encompasses both verbal and non-verbal communication.