
Chapter 16: Introduction to International Trade Finance

16.1 International Trade Finance

International trade and its impact on economic growth depend significantly on the globalization process. The economic success of any country is influenced by foreign trade. No country has yet managed to create a healthy economy by isolating itself from the world economic system. Understanding the structure, health, and potential risks of an economy are important key factors to consider while deciding to trade internationally.

One of the major risks that trade stakeholders face, particularly importers and exporters, is related to availability of funds. Financing is crucial for importers to make payments on time and for exporters to buy materials and deliver products as expected.

International trade finance helps mitigate risks for all stakeholders by providing monetary support and assurance, often with creative financing methods. International trade finance also helps organizations with the strategic decision-making required to be successful internationally.

Siddhi Parekh (2023) explains that,

International trade finance refers to the financial support given by banks or other financial institutions using a variety of financial tools, like bank guarantees, letters of credit, to importers and exporters to enable them carry out commercial transactions without experiencing financial hardships.


Parekh, S. (2023, February 17). International trade finance explained. DRIP Capital Finance Guides. https://www.dripcapital.com/en-us/resources/finance-guides/international-trade-finance


“16.1 International Trade Finance” is adapted from “Chapter 1 The Nature of Risk: Losses and Opportunities” from Risk Management for Enterprises and Individuals by Saylor Academy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License , except where otherwise noted.
