Chapter 5: Trade Restrictions: Non-Tariff Barriers
Chapter 5 Introduction
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to
- Describe various types of non-tariff barriers: import quotas, voluntary export restraints, and other non-tariff trade barriers.
- Compare an import tariff with an import quota in terms of their effects on economic well-being, producer and consumer surplus, and government revenue.
- Explain the terms-of-trade effect of an import quota and the potential for a nationally optimal quota.
- Compare the effects of an import quota and those of a voluntary export restraint.
- Describe selected other non-tariff barriers and their economic effects.
Think About It!
Video: Title
Before reading this chapter, watch this video outlining the basic concept of an import quota.
Source: Iris Franz. (2018, September 4). Import quota. [Video]. YouTube.
Reflection Questions
Before we begin, we encourage you to reflect on the following questions:
- How does an import quota affect the price of the imported good on the domestic market?
- What impact do you think the import quota will have on domestic producers of the imported good?
- What impact do you think the import quota will have on domestic consumers?
- Does the import quota benefit the nation that imposes it? If not, why do nations impose import quotas?
In this chapter, we will see that import quotas and other non-tariff barriers affect the economic well-being of a nation as well as of different groups within the economy. Import quotas and other non-tariff barriers can also affect the economic well-being of the world. We will evaluate which groups benefit and which groups lose from an import quota and examine its effect on a small country, a large country, and the world. We will also consider the impacts on the well-being of other non-tariff barriers.