Appendix 5A: Identifying Risks and Implementing Controls

5A.9. Strategy Management Risk and Controls

Strategy Management involves interconnected activities to formulate, implement, monitor, and adjust organizational strategies to achieve long-term goals and objectives effectively. These activities are fundamental to guiding the organization’s direction, allocating resources efficiently, and responding to changes in the internal and external environment. Here’s an overview of the primary activities involved:

  • Strategic Planning: The process begins with stratefgic planning, where organizational leaders define the mission, vision, and values of the organization. This involves assessing internal strengths, weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats through tools such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. Based on this assessment, strategic goals and objectives are formulated to guide decision-making and resource allocation.
  • Strategy Formulation: Strategy formulation entails developing a comprehensive plan to achieve the organization’s strategic goals. This includes identifying strategic initiatives, defining strategies for growth, competitive positioning, and differentiation, and determining the allocation of resources across different business units or functional areas. Key considerations may include market analysis, product development, mergers and acquisitions, and partnerships or alliances.
  • Strategy Implementation: Once strategies are formulated, they must be translated into actionable plans and initiatives that can be executed by various departments and teams within the organization. This involves setting clear objectives, establishing performance metrics, assigning responsibilities, and aligning processes and systems to support strategic goals. Effective communication and coordination are critical to ensure alignment and commitment across the organization.
  • Performance Monitoring and Measurement: Continuous monitoring and measurement of performance against strategic objectives are essential to track progress, identify areas of improvement, and make informed decisions. KPIs are established to assess the effectiveness of strategy implementation and provide feedback to stakeholders. Regular reviews and assessments help identify deviations from the planned course and enable timely corrective actions.
  • Strategic Review and Adjustment: Strategic management is an iterative process that requires periodic review and adjustment in response to changing internal and external factors. Organizations must regularly evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of their strategies, anticipate emerging trends and disruptions, and adapt their plans accordingly. This may involve revising strategic goals, reallocating resources, or exploring new opportunities to stay competitive and achieve long-term success.
  • Risk Management: Throughout the strategy management process, organizations must identify, assess, and mitigate risks that may impact the achievement of strategic objectives. This includes risks related to market dynamics, technological advancements, regulatory changes, and internal operational challenges. Implementing robust risk management practices helps safeguard organizational resilience and ensure strategic alignment.

Organizations can navigate complexities, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth and competitive advantage by managing the primary activities associated with strategy management. A systematic and disciplined approach to strategy management enables organizations to align their actions with their vision and purpose, drive performance excellence, and create long-term value for stakeholders.

Let’s review the top risk related to strategy management and its impact on the organization. We will also take an inventory of the top three preventive, detective, corrective, and accounting controls related to this risk.

Market Disruption

Risk Impact

Loss of market share, decreased revenue, and competitive disadvantage. Market disruption, caused by technological advancements, changes in consumer preferences, or new entrants, can undermine existing business models, threaten revenue streams, and erode market position, requiring organizations to adapt and innovate to stay competitive.

Preventive Controls

  • Market Trends Analysis: Regularly analyze market trends, industry dynamics, and competitive landscapes to anticipate potential disruptions, identify emerging opportunities, and proactively adjust strategic plans, business models, and value propositions to mitigate risks and capitalize on market changes.
  • Scenario Planning: Develop and evaluate alternative scenarios, forecasts, and contingencies for potential market disruptions, such as technological shifts, regulatory changes, or competitive threats, to assess their impact on business operations, revenue streams, and strategic objectives and develop strategic responses and adaptation strategies.
  • Innovation and R&D Investments: Investing in research and development (R&D), innovation initiatives, and technology adoption to enhance product/service offerings, improve operational efficiency, and foster a culture of innovation and adaptability to navigate market disruptions, drive growth, and maintain competitiveness in dynamic market environments.

Detective Controls

  • Competitor Intelligence Gathering: Monitoring competitor activities, strategies, and market positioning through competitive intelligence gathering, benchmarking, and analysis to identify competitive threats, market trends, and emerging opportunities and inform strategic decision-making and response strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on competitive advantages.
  • Customer Feedback and Insights: Gathering and analyzing customer feedback, preferences, and satisfaction surveys to understand changing customer needs, expectations, and behaviours, anticipate market shifts and identify opportunities for innovation, differentiation, and value creation to maintain customer loyalty and competitive relevance in evolving markets.
  • Business Performance Metrics: Tracking and analyzing KPIs, financial metrics, and market share data to assess the organization’s competitive position, market performance, and response to market disruptions and identify early warning signs or indicators requiring further investigation or strategic adjustment to address emerging risks and challenges.

Corrective Controls

  • Impact Assessment of Market Disruptions: Assessing the impact and implications of market disruptions on business operations, revenue streams, and strategic objectives through scenario analysis, sensitivity testing, or business impact assessments to quantify risks, prioritize response strategies, and allocate resources to mitigate negative consequences and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Competitive Landscape Analysis: Conducting in-depth analysis and benchmarking of competitors’ strategies, capabilities, and market positioning to identify competitive threats, assess competitive strengths and weaknesses, and develop competitive response strategies and countermeasures to protect market share and sustain competitiveness in disrupted markets.
  • Customer Market Research: Conduct market research, surveys, and focus groups to gather insights into changing customer needs, preferences, and behaviours in response to market disruptions and inform product/service innovation, marketing strategies, and customer engagement initiatives to maintain relevance and competitiveness in evolving markets.

Accounting Controls

  • Business Model Innovation: Exploring and experimenting with new business models, revenue streams, and value propositions, such as subscription-based services, platform ecosystems, or outcome-based pricing, to adapt to market disruptions, diversify revenue sources, and create sustainable competitive advantages in disrupted markets.
  • Strategic Partnerships and Alliances: Forming strategic partnerships, alliances, or collaborations with industry players, technology partners, or startups to leverage complementary capabilities, resources, and expertise, accelerate innovation, and navigate market disruptions through co-creation, joint ventures, or ecosystem partnerships to strengthen market position and competitiveness.
  • Crisis Management and Communication: Developing crisis management plans, communication protocols, and response strategies to manage reputational risks, stakeholder expectations, and public perception during market disruptions, including proactive communication, stakeholder engagement, and media relations to maintain trust, confidence, and support amid uncertainty and volatility.


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