Appendix 7A: Case Study—Developing a Multi-year, Risk-based Internal Audit Plan for a Retail Chain

7A.3. Development of a Multi-Year Internal Audit Plan

Based on the risk prioritization exercise, we will focus on the top 10 risks and develop a three-year internal audit plan. A snapshot of this three-year internal audit plan is presented below. Following the snapshot is the detailed internal audit plan showing the audit type, size, nature, and detailed description for each of the three years—2024, 2025, and 2026.

Table: A snapshot of Buy and Large’s three-year internal audit plan.
Audit Type and Size 2024 Internal Audit Plan 2025 Internal Audit Plan 2026 Internal Audit Plan
Large Audits Cybersecurity Management Audit Data Privacy Audit IT Systems and Infrastructure Audit
Regulatory Compliance Framework Audit Financial Controls Audit Strategic Alignment Audit
Medium Audits Financial Reporting Systems Audit Compliance with Environmental Standards Audit Supplier Relationship Management Audit
Market Dynamics and Adaptability Audit Inventory Management Audit Customer Experience Audit
Economic Impact Assessment Strategic Risk Management Audit Risk Management Framework Audit
Small Audits IT Infrastructure Review Brand Management Review Business Continuity Planning Review
Supply Chain Efficiency Review Legal Compliance Review Compliance Training Programs Review
Privacy Policy Implementation Review Market Adaptability Review Economic Impact Review
Consulting Projects Cybersecurity Consulting Project Financial Systems Consulting IT Security Consulting
Supply Chain Strategy Consulting Operational Efficiency Consulting Supply Chain Optimization Consulting


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Internal Auditing: A Practical Approach Copyright © 2024 by Amit M. Mehta is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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