Chapter 6: Explain the impact of Canada’s strengths and weaknesses on opportunities for economic growth and employment.
6.1. Innovation for a better Canada
Before you begin
Before you begin reading, check your understanding of some of the key terms you will read in this chapter:

Industry Strategy Council
The Industry Strategy Council has been created to provide advice and insight on the scope and depth of COVID-19’s impact on industries and inform government’s understanding of specific sectoral pressures. The Council offers a chance to build on Canada’s strong partnerships between government and industry, notably the Economic Strategy Tables (e.g., Advance manufacturing, agri-food, clean technology, tourism, digital industries. Health/biosciences, and resources of the future) to support Canadians and their jobs.
Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan
Announced in Budget 2017, the Innovation and Skills Plan is an ambitious effort to make Canada a world-leading centre for innovation, to create well-paying jobs and to help strengthen and grow the middle class. The Plan supports Canadians and the entire innovation continuum. It will help establish Canada as one of the most innovative countries in the world and foster a culture of innovation from coast to coast to coast.
Video: Budget 2017: Video – Strengthening the Middle Class (
Building a nation of innovators
It’s time for our country to prosper from the hard work and ingenuity of Canadians. Canada’s Innovation and Skills Plan is the plan to get there.
Supporting innovation
Tracking progress and results: How innovation is translating into jobs, business opportunities and higher living standards for Canadians. Innovation translates into more jobs, more business opportunities, a cleaner environment, and higher living standards for Canadians. The government has developed the Innovation and Skills Plan to grow the economy, create middle-class jobs, and provide Canadians with the skills they need to succeed. The Innovation and Skills Plan includes a commitment to deliver and communicate meaningful results to Canadians. The target descriptions, indicators, progress bars, and other information found below track progress towards reaching the goals established under the Innovation and Skills Plan.
Innovation and skills Plan – What we heard report: A plan to address today’s challenges and opportunities and ensure our future success. At its most basic, innovation is about making things better in ways that benefit everyone. Innovation isn’t always based on technology. Any idea can be transformed into a simple solution that results in new products or services. Innovations can create entirely new jobs, markets and industries that never existed before. And they can give existing industries a new lease on life by making them more productive and efficient.
Government of Canada (2023). Innovation for a better Canada.