
Authors and Editors


Cecilia Mackey, MBA – I am a business professional with an MBA degree experienced in international business, teaching, staffing operations, project, and implementation management. I have been teaching business in several languages in Germany, USA, Peru, and Canada. Working as a professor of Business and IT programs at St Clair College since 2018 has given me a great opportunity to develop business plans, essays and now an eBook for the INT135G – Entrepreneurship in a global setting online course


Irene Stewart is a Retention Coordinator in the Student Services department of St. Clair College and has served in this role for over 15 years. For the past two year, Stewart has been dedicated to developing faculty resources in Accessibility and Open Education in her part-time role with the CAE.Previously, she was a Learning Strategist/Assistive Technologist and a part-time Business professor. Stewart was tasked as the faculty lead for the THRIVES project. Sharing the benefits of Open Education resources and pedagogy is Stewart’s current passion.

Nikolai Zriachev has been working as a Rover Learning Technologist at St. Clair College since 2022. As a former tutor and a silver medalist in 2023 (IT Network Systems Administration), Nikolai brought his technological expertise to the team in order to assist with editing and ensuring accessibility of the book. His commitment to creating accessible resources reflects his passion for promoting open education and benefiting the faculty and student community alike.