8 Holistic Conflict Management
Narjes Azizi and Wendi L. Adair
Go to Holistic Conflict Management by Narjes Azizi and Wendi L. Adair
Recommended Citation & Attribution
Azizi, N., & Adair, W. L. (2025). Holistic conflict Management. In C. T. Kwantes, W. L. Adair, & L. Gosse (Eds.). Building trust with Indigenous employees: The Indigenous Workways Toolkit. University of Windsor. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/indigenousworkways
Holistic Conflict Management by Narjes Azizi and Wendi L. Adair is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Catherine T. Kwantes
Leanne Gosse
Russell Nahdee
Chloe Addie
Lori Campbell
Michael A. Gross
Estelle E. Archibold
Jason D. Marshall
Sara Agawa
Emannuella Okwu
Indigenous Guidance
David R. Newhouse
Russell Nahdee
Jaimie Kechego
David C. Thomas
Instructional Designer
Zoe Heritage-Green