
Assessment Activity & Resources

Assessment Activity & Resources

Module Activity

Now that you have had an introduction to Indigenous pedagogies, you can now move ahead with an assessment that culminates your learning into a customized reflection.

  • Summarize what relative Indigenous Pedagogies you are planning to implement into your course
  • Define the rationale and process of how you are thinking of implementing Indigenous Pedagogies and see if they consider the principles discussed
  • Emphasize the importance of how the Indigenous Pedagogies can be used and what principles need to be considered when planning and delivering your course
  • Map out UDL guidelines to your outcomes, activities and assessments planned to ensure learners’ needs have been considered

Further Learning

The following are some resources to deepen your learning about Indigenous pedagogies and their importance in Ontario’s post-secondary education:

Indigenous Pedagogies


There is a lot of information now online about this topic and many other branches of Indigenization and Decolonization.


Mount Elgin Institute, circa 1909. By the late 1800s, with enrolment at 86 students, overcrowding had become a major problem and the original school building (seen here behind the new four-storey residence) was in poor shape. In 1896, the Department of Indian Affairs, with funds appropriated from band accounts, constructed the new building in the foreground. UCCA, 1990.162P/1167N (Photo courtesy of the United Church Archives)


Girls and boys doing the laundry, c. 1909. UCCA, 1990.162P/1173N.  (Photo courtesy of the United Church Archives)

Here are some resources to help you get started. This is a broad topic and requires much more in-depth exploration than can be achieved in this module. We hope you can explore this important topic to help guide your journey and commitment to changing the educational landscape in this land we now call Canada.


1990.162P/1167N, Mount Elgin Institute [Photograph]. (c. 1909). The United Church of Canada Archives (UCCA), Toronto.

1990.162P/1173N, Girls and boys doing laundry, Mount Elgin Institute [Photograph]. (c. 1909). The United Church of Canada Archives (UCCA), Toronto.


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Indigenous Pedagogies Copyright © by Lorna Stolarchuk and Jaimie Kechego is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.