Try Stuff: Life-Work-College View

Your life is made up of various elements, and examining your life view, work view, and college view can help you as you chart your life’s journey.

Life View

Your life view is that which provides your definition of “matters of ultimate concern.” There are many approaches to writing a life view and various prescriptions for what they need to include. The key thing is to address those critical defining values and perspectives that provide the basis for your understanding of life, that create the platform that interprets and organizes how you see and understand the world and assigns order and meaning to it.


A WORKVIEW would address the critical issues related to what work is and means to you. It is not just a list of what you want from or out of work but a general statement of your view of work. It’s your definition of what good work deserves to be?

College View

A college view is your personal manifesto about the purpose of college. It should help you focus on what to pursue and what to let go during your studies.

What is College for?

There are many answers to this question, including three common reasons below. The key is to recognize that all of these are valid and to determine for yourself how these narratives influence your reasons for going to college.

  • Life of the Mind – I am here to grow intellectually.
  • Career Readiness – I am here to develop professional skills.
  • Becoming You – I am here to become a well-rounded person.


Use the questions as prompts in your reflection as you consider what is important to you and why you choose different options.



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