
RBM has a new link with all this laid out on the website coming Nov 22nd so put it here and swap out the info below

Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Annual Deadlines

Spring term deadline is March 1

Fall term deadline is May 1

Winter term deadline is October 1

Employment and Training Programs and Services

Have You Considered:

Type of Career you would like?


Have you looked at what you need to get that career?


Have you looked to see if there is a need for that career in your area:


Have you any idea how much money you would earn in the career you have chosen?


Do you have the long term commitment to meet your career goals?

Types of Programs Available

Aboriginal Skills Training: support clients interested in attending courses that provide skills that are in demand in local labour market
Aboriginal Labour Force Promotion Program: offer potential employers who are prepared to support full time permanent employer a wage subsidy
Aboriginal Business Incentive: offer those clients interested in starting their own business financial support in the way of a living allowance during that initial start-up phase
Aboriginal New Start Program: support client moving to a new job or attend an interview
Aboriginal Employee Skills Enhancement Program: require assistance to upgrade skills to keep your job or to advance in the company
Aboriginal Summer Student Career Program: opportunity for secondary and post-secondary students to gain work experience in a career field of interest
Types of Services Available

Career Assessments




Referral Services


Job Search Supports


Job Board


Labour Market Info


Job Coaching

Chippewas of the Thames First Nation – Deshkan Ziibiing

Employment & Training


Broken site we need to redirect this

Current Programs

Aboriginal Skills Training Option(Training and/or Academic upgrading)

Community Band members can apply for training opportunities clients may need this to become more employable. To be eligible clients need a Grade 12 diploma and meet the trades criteria for eligibility. Clients are eligible to receive assistance to obtain a grade 12 diploma or GED. For more information please contact Employment and Training.

Aboriginal Labour Force Development Option (Job Creation)

This program is sometimes known as a Job Creation program, participants gain on-the-job skills and possible employment from the employer. Job Creation is for clients that have successfully completed training with a trade school and require work experience.

Aboriginal New Start (Employment Start-up)

This program is available to clients who have received employment but need assistance until they receive their first pay. Clients that need a CPIC or employment related training (i.e. First Aid, CPR, WHIMS) may qualify to receive assistant from our program.

Aboriginal Business Incentive (Self Employment Initiative)

Community members have access to this program if they are wishing to start their own business. Employment and Training are working with Economic Development department in order to review Business Plans submitted by the client. Clients have the chance to attend the Small Business Centre in London, members work with the Small Business centre in order to receive loans, grants or other funding programs.

Aboriginal Labour force Development (Targeted Wage Subsidy)

Clients have that ability to gain work experience through the Targeted Wage Subsidy program. If a partner with potential employers to provide the participant with ten weeks of work experience and training and also to share equally divided costs of wages.


Bursaries & Indispire
Southern First Nations Secretariat–training.html

The Indigenous Skills and Employment Training Program (ISETP) is designed to help Indigenous people improve their skills and find employment

The mission of the Southern First Nations Secretariat​ Post-Secondary department is to assist eligible member First Nation life-long learners in their pursuit of higher educational opportunities. We strive to enrich the experience of the learner by supporting and advocating while they are on their academic path to self-empowerment.

The goal of the Post-Secondary Department is to continually increase the number of student graduates, while maximizing the limited funds in accordance with funding guidelines, to enrich oneself, their family, and their Nations.

Munsee-Delaware Nation
Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nations
Grand River
Friendship center
Non-status options


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Indigenous Life Design OLD Copyright © 2023 by Brian Malott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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