
8 Lesson Two: Demographics

According to the 2016 Canadian census, more than 1.67 million self-identified indigenous people live in Canada (4.9% of the population of Canada).

(Indigenous Services Canada, 2020).


Fun facts:

  1. Although Indigenous people comprise only 3% of the population in Ontario, this Canadian province is home to the largest population of Indigenous people.
  2. About 40% of registered Indigenous people in Canada live on a reserve.


What is a Reserve?

  • A reserve is land set aside by the Canadian government for exclusive use by Indigenous people. Reserve land is classified as federal land, and Indigenous people do not own title to the land.
  • Reserves represent a small fraction of the traditional territories Indigenous people had before the signing of treaties and were often created on less valuable, rural land.


Did you know?

  1. From 1885 into the 1940s, a pass system controlled Indigenous people’s movement, requiring those living on reserve to get written permission from an “Indian agent” (government officials) when needed to leave their community.


Reserves Today

  • Reserves are still vital land bases for Indigenous people across Canada, which continue to be classified as federal land but as self-governed by Indigenous people of their community.
  • Some reserves have the most concerning conditions in Canada, such as isolated communities with high poverty rates, substance addiction, suicide, unemployment, and mortality.
  • It is widely acknowledged that the cultural genocide and social disruption over generations by displacements, discriminatory legislation, and political neglect results in long-term hardships and hinder the re-establishment of social networks and stable communities.

Did you know?

  1. Six Nations of The Grand River is the largest reserve in Canada, with over 21,000 members.

Figure 2: Map of the location of Six Nations of the Grand River