Waw Nowitka: Acknowledgements
Pulling Together: A Guide for Leaders and Administrators was designed as an educational resource for post-secondary leaders by a Camosun College–based team, which included:

Janice Simcoe (Anishnabe), Director, Indigenous Education and Community Connections
Sybil Harrison, Director, Learning Services
Jennifer Stein, Instructional Designer
Dawn Smith (Nuu-chah-nulth), Indigenization Education Developer
The Camosun College team acknowledges the invaluable Indigenous leadership of the past and present who have spent countless hours advancing Indigenous education. As a team, we acknowledge and respect the self-determining vision for Indigenous control over Indigenous education.
Special thanks and appreciation to leaders who have graciously participated in the development of the Leaders and Administrators Guide. The leaders recognized for their contributions are:
Skip Dick (Songhees), Elder
Sherri Bell, President, Camosun College
John Boraas, Vice-President Education, Camosun College
Joan Yates, Vice-President Student Experiences, Camosun College
Ian Humphries, Dean School of Access, Camosun College
Nella Nelson (Kwakwaka’wakw), Administrator for Aboriginal Nations Education, Victoria School District 61
Corrine Michel (Secwepemc), Indigenization Coordinator, Camosun College
Kendra Underwood (W̱SÁNEĆ), Director, Saanich Adult Education Centre
Angus Graeme, President, Selkirk College
Kathleen Absolon (Nishnaabeg), Jackie Price (Inuit), and Linda Smith (Maori)
Fig 0.1: “Camosun College Team” by Andrea Kuchaway is used under a CC BY 4.0 International Licence.