
9 Leloo (Wolf)

Wolf icon


I raise the pipe of my being to the rising sun in openness and humility. With my eyes closed, I give thanks to the Life Giver and ask for strength to be humble through the course of this day. I smudge myself with sacred medicines and give thanks for the blessings that are already present in my life. I ask for nothing. I only offer thanks. Then in gratitude and humility, I enter the journey of the day. This is wakefulness, this is become, this is ceremony—and I am made more.

– Richard Wagamese (2016, p. 137)


Purpose of this section

Explore educational partnerships with Indigenous Peoples and communities, and ways in which they are created and maintained.

On completing this section you will be able to:

  • unpack the complexities of community-based engagement and relationship building.
  • recognized the importance of leadership and collaboration

Estimated time to complete this section is four hours. The activities can be done either individually or as a group.

Leloo is representative of the gathering aspect of the journey; you will gather not only new knowledge, but food or resources as well. These harvesting activities, if you like, require a collaborative effort that lends itself to the unfolding of transformative experiences by working together.

As you work through this section, you will recognize the complexity of community-based engagement and relationship building. Take time to explore the diversity of Indigenous governing structures, which might include both Chief and Council and hereditary Chiefs. It’s important to consider how your institution’s governance structures – board, executive and leadership, senate, and education councils – engage with local Indigenous leaders and their governance structures.


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Pulling Together: A Guide for Leaders and Administrators Copyright © by Sybil Harrison; Janice Simcoe; Dawn Smith; and Jennifer Stein is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.