Glossary of Terms

Design Thinking

A methodology that encourages teams to engage in an iterative process to engage users, question assumptions, define and redefine problems, and generate innovative solutions that can be produced as prototypes to test. The five phases of DT include Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. 

Employee-Led Workplace Innovation

The social process by which employees of an organization mobilise new ideas to create better work. A guiding principle is to aim for improvement in both organizational performance and employee quality of work for employees. 

Fortune 500

Fortune 500 is a U.S.-based ranking system that ranks U.S. companies by their revenue. For the last 70 years, Fortune 500 has highlighted the most successful companies.

Inclusive (Workplace) Innovation

Innovation activities that address and question the exclusion/inclusion of participants in innovation practices. In addition, the concept addresses who might experience barriers to (or experience loss from) innovation activities.

Inclusive Leadership

Leadership that fosters inclusion and results in better work experiences and improved performance.

Innovation Catalyst

A person who supports other employees in engaging innovation in their workplace. 

Innovation Mindset

The collection of identity, motivation, and capability as an innovator (in the workplace, but also in other roles as a community member and engaged citizen). 


Entrepreneurship within a well-established organization.


An on-ramp is literally a roadway lane (or ramp) that allows traffic to merge onto a highway or other road. In a business contexts, an "on-ramp" can refer to a process by which individuals are supported to engage in new work. Sometimes this takes the form of a person re-entering a workplace after an extended absence or even the training that provides specific support to a person shifting roles within an organization.

Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is the set of values, beliefs, and attitudes that define and influence employee behavior.


A personal perception or belief in one’s ability (and capacity) to engage in strategies or behaviours that will help the person achieve goals, improve performance, etc.

Systemic Change

Change at the system level means that most parts of a system (e.g., of an organization, of a social issue, etc.) experiences the change. This can take the form of most or all employees participating in innovation projects. In general, systemic change can be witnessed when the behaviour of the entire system shifts from the norm (typically the change improves the system).


Enabling Inclusive Innovation in the Workplace Copyright © 2024 by Thomas Carey and Anahita Baregheh is licensed under a Ontario Commons License – No Derivatives, except where otherwise noted.

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