Program Model Route

The courses required for completion of your program are outlined in your model route. Every program has a set of courses that you are required to successfully complete in order to graduate from the program. Your model route shows the sequence of courses by semester that you are required to take, including experiential learning (e.g., work terms and field placements). Your model route also shows any pre-requisites and co-requisites. You will be expected to complete the courses and other requirements outlined in the model route that was in effect when you began your program unless there are program changes (program changes will be communicated to you).

In the IMM program, all first and second semester classes are co-requisites, to provide you with a connected learning experience among all your courses. There will also be assignments and activities that span more than one course, so you are able to connect the dots among what you are learning.

Both the in-person and the online program follow the same model route, so students experience the same progression through the program, and work towards the same learning outcomes. The only difference is the delivery method of the online program, where all classes are delivered asynchronously, as opposed to in-person.

Your Model Route

6410 Model Route – Fall 2024