Try Stuff: Guiding Circles

Try Stuff

Guiding Circles challenges individuals to explore their life experiences as a guide for career assessment. Working with a career coach or teacher, individuals identify specific life stories in a positive, focused, self-reflective way, connecting their discoveries to the realm of school and work.

The Career Circle helps create a self-portrait evaluating eight elements that build a foundation for the later stages of career exploration and decision-making. Discovering one’s gifts, talents and sense of self offers an incredible source of strength to walk the career journey. Guiding Circles combines the best modern career concepts with Indigenous perspectives for a comprehensive and holistic career assessment approach that works with the whole individual – mind, body, heart and spirit.

Guiding Circles 

To obtain a guiding circles workbook for you to use on your career journey, attend an in-person session offered by the Institute of Indigenous Learning.


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Indigenous Life Design Copyright © 2023 by Brian Malott is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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