Why Biomimicry?
When you think of engineers, who comes to mind as the best? Nikola Tesla? Leonardo da Vinci? Maybe you have another name in mind? And if you’re thinking “this sounds like a trick question” – you’re absolutely correct!
Watch Why Biomimicry? Part 1 in full screen.
The number one misconception about this topic happens when students hear “biomimicry” and think this concept only applies to future bioengineers. This couldn’t be further from the truth. One of the best parts of this topic is that this applies to every single person who has a problem to solve… and that’s all engineers! Let’s gain an appreciation for why we are all learning about biomimicry …
Watch Why Biomimicry? Part 2 in full screen.
AsapSCIENCE. (2012, November 28). The Evolution of Life on Earth [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2_6cqa2cP4&t=93s