
Idea Generation Activities

Now that you know why Idea Generation is important and are familiar with couple of techniques, let’s practice!

Rapid Ideation Technique

We need lots of ideas, but we don’t have time. What should we do?

In rapid ideation, lots of ideas are generated in a short amount of time. Since there is a time limitation, there is no time for overthinking, judging, or filtering ideas (Boitnott, 2014).

In the previous video you learned what Rapid Ideation is. Now, you will review it one more time and practice it with an example. Pay attention that in this context more is more, so make sure you are prioritizing quantity over quality. Don’t overthink! Just generate ideas as many as possible, the more the better! Later on, you will have time to choose the most applicable one based on your needs, for now, don’t worry about it.

Watch Rapid Ideation in full screen.

Reverse Storming Technique, Impossible problems solving

 Does your challenge you are facing seem to be irresolvable? Then try this strategy!

 Reverse storming means considering what the majority of people would decide in a specific situation, and then thinking of ways that direct you toward the opposite (Brianna, 2018).  

You have already learned this technique in previous chapter. After reviewing the technique in the following video, through a given example, you have a chance to practice reverse storming. Think opposite! Make it worst, as bad as possible! Then reverse the idea to generate new ideas that can be possible solutions to the problem.

Watch Reverse Storming in full screen.


Observational Storming, Look actively, Imagine, then design!

Have you ever observed things around you differently?

Are there any posters, pictures, images in your room that you love the most? Have a look at them and see if you can find anything different, though you have seen so many times. Is there any aspects or objects that you had not noticed before?

The way you are now looking at the picture is called Active Observation.

As mentioned before, new ideas come from pre-existing ideas. All we have to do, is to look at everything and anything as an observant, actively and differently, and then try to find a new connection between them.

Sometimes, ideas come from the contexts and events seems to be irrelevant at first. This is the base of Observational Storming technique. In observational storming, through an active and mindful observation, and by using imagination and inspiration, new ideas are generated.

In the following video, you will review the technique and then you will be seeing pictures while designing something that seems irrelevant. Use your imagination and be inspired!

Watch Observational Storming in full screen.


How did it go? Is idea generation more fun and more doable now? 🙂

If you want to learn even more and use some cool online tools to help you with idea generation, head to the next chapter.



Boitnott, J.  ( September 24, 2014). 10 Longtime Brainstorming Techniques that Still Work.

Inc. https://www.inc.com/john-boitnott/10-longtime-brainstorming-techniques-that-still-work.html

Brianna, (May 16, 2018). 7 Techniques for More Effective Brainstorming. Wrike. https://www.wrike.com/blog/techniques-effective-brainstorming/

Greiner, D. (2017).  The Bsics of Idea Generation. CRS Press.

Rahim, R. (October 15, 2019). Brainstorming: Definition, Examples, and Techniques for Great Decision Making.

Upskill Nation: https://upskillnation.com/brainstorming/#what-is-brainstorming



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New Approaches to Engineering Design Thinking Mindset: Idea Generation Copyright © by Shelir Ebrahimi, Kristina Stepanic, Armaghan Taghvaei, and Reza Yazdanpanah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.