19 Research

The following checklist is designed to guide you through each of the items related to researching an essay.

Component Item Questions / Issues
Defining a topic and thesis Selection
  • Does your topic fit within the scope of your course?
  • Is your topic focused enough to be both feasible and manageable?
Research question
  • Does your thesis statement ask a how or why type of question?
  • Is your thesis statement specific, explanatory, and argumentative?
Building a bibliography Sources
  • Do you have a sufficient mix of books, journal articles, and/or other types of material?
  • Have you checked that your sources are accurate / acceptable?
  • Are some of your secondary sources recent?
Taking notes Reference
  • Do your notes record where you found your research material?
  • Do your notes indicate whether you wrote them in your own words or whether you copied them exactly from the source material?
  • Did you keep your notes?


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Writing Guide for Students of History Copyright © by Lori Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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