20 Presentation and writing

The following checklist is designed to guide you through each of the items related to essay presentation and writing.


  • Title Page: Does the title clearly reflect the essay topic (what, where, when)? Is the title page formatted correctly?
  • Mechanics:
    • Did you use standard 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins and double spacing?
    • Did you use a standard font size (12 point)?
    • Are quotations properly formatted (short and long)?
    • Are footnotes placed appropriately (end of sentences or after quotes)?
    • Numbering: Did you clearly number each page in your essay?
  • Footnotes: Are the footnotes formatted correctly?
  • Bibliography: Is the bibliography formatted correctly? Is there a sufficient mix of appropriate books and scholarly articles?

Structure and Argument

  • Outline: Is your paper clearly outlined and focused?
  • Introduction:
    • Does your introduction properly situate the topic (meaning, does it answer the questions who, what, where, when, and why?)
    • Does it give a sense of the topic’s importance?
    • Is the questions / thesis clearly stated? Is the introduction concise?
  • Use of evidence:
    • Are generalizations sufficiently supported?
    • Is the evidence that is used relevant to your argument?
  • Quotations: Are quotations integrated into the text to support and illustrate your argument? Do not overuse them as this detracts from your argument.
  • Conclusion:
    • Are your main arguments summarized?
    • Do you discuss the implications of your research and / or where more is needed?

Writing Style

  • Spelling: Did you run a spell check? Make sure to proof read the essay as well.
  • Grammar: Did you review for pronoun agreements, verb tense (use past tense for the past), use of commas, etc.? Proofread just for grammar traps.
  • Style: Did you eliminate unnecessary words, repetition, empty sentences, and sentences that are too long? Do not use contractions in formal writing.
  • Paragraphs:
    • Is there one topic per paragraph?
    • Is the transition / flow of ideas between paragraphs clear and logical?



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Writing Guide for Students of History Copyright © by Lori Jones is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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