71 How to use Imgur to bypass Pressbook’s image cap

The Issue

Hey all, Max here. Apparently, Pressbooks has an image problem – a cap that doesn’t let us upload a lot of photos. The following are two options on how to use Imgur (or any other image upload platform that youd like!) to use photos in Pressbooks without worrying about the data cap.

The Solution (Simple Copy Paste Method)

Step 1
In the case of Imgur, you must first upload your photo to their website

Click “New Post” on the top left hand corner.

Step 2

Lots of options here. You can Drag + Drop your image from your computer…

or just paste it in with a shortcut (Like Ctrl + V) ! Or you can even paste in a URL from a different website.


Step 3
Once you have uploaded the image, you will be taken to a page that looks like this (Below).

Here, right click on your image and select “Copy Image”. 

Pro Tip: If you have multiple images, you can KEEP pasting them in (with Ctrl +V /Option +V) and they will be uploaded at the top! That’s how I have an image blow the one you’re looking at.

Step 4

Go back to your Pressbooks chapter and put the cursor where you would like your image to go. Paste your image in (Either by right clicking or Ctrl + V/Option + V) and it should show up!

The Second Solution (Copy Image Link Method)

As outlined in my first tutorial video (Linked below), you can use the “Add Media” button at the top of the editor to not only upload photos, but also insert photos from other websites using the “Insert from URL” option.


Follow the above steps up to Step 3

Once your photo is uploaded, right click and select “Copy Image Link” instead.

Step 4

These steps are following the video tutorial now:

Go back to your Pressbooks chapter and put the cursor where you would like your image to go. Select “Add Media” and select “Insert from URL”. Paste in your Imgur link and you should see your photo appear!

If it hasn’t appeared, make sure that your link is formatted correctly. If there’s a “blob:” infront of the “https:” remove it so that it looks like the photo below. Otherwise just try step 3 again.


Once Inserted, everything should work exactly the same as if you uploaded the image through Pressbooks!


Hope this has helped you. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time.


Selected Topics in Health and Disease (2019 Edition) Copyright © by Dr. Ju. All Rights Reserved.

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