Student Leadership Opportunities
Program Student Council
The program asks students to elect their own program student council. This council (2 students minimum) is the liaison between the Program Coordinator and the students, and represents the students.
FTVB Student Council is also invited to attend the two Program Advisory Committee meetings where they report upon student satisfaction and can access our industry leaders who provide input on the program.
Centennial Leadership Academy
The Centennial Leadership Academy (CLA) is a hub of resources and programs designed to develop the leader in each student. Programs focus on skills relevant to students’ career, community, and personal development journeys. The CLA links students to various leadership experiences at Centennial and engages with employers and the wider community:
Leadership Passport
The Leadership Passport is a tool that supports your ongoing leadership development while studying at Centennial College. When you take part in the Leadership Passport, you complete four leadership ‘journeys’. Completing each journey earns you a Statement of Recognition. By completing all four journeys and the additional reflection activity, you will be eligible for the Distinction in Leadership Recognition of Achievement marked on your academic transcript and read out at convocation.
Global Citizenship and Equity Learning Experiences
The Global Citizenship and Equity Learning Experiences (GCELEs) are global and domestic service learning opportunities for students to develop leadership skills and create positive social change in our interconnected world. GCELEs have intentional learning goals and require staff and students to actively reflect on what they are learning throughout the experience. Students and staff will foster a critical consciousness while actualizing social justice goals through participation in experiences that work to meet community needs.
Centennial College has decided that the risk posed to our travelers is too high and so we have suspended all GCELEs until further notice.