

Indigenous Affirmation

Ni manàdjiyànànig Màmìwininì Anishinàbeg, ogog kà nàgadawàbandadjig iyo akì eko weshkad. Ako nongom egawìkàd kì mìgiwewàdj. Ni manàdjiyànànig kakina Anishinàbeg ondaje kaye ogog kakina eniyagizidjig enigokamigàg Kanadàng eji ondàpinangig endàwàdjin Odàwàng. Ninisidawinawànànig kenawendamòdjig kije kikenindamàwin; weshkinìgidjig kaye kejeyàdizidjig. Nigijeweninmànànig ogog kà nìgànì sòngideyedjig; weshkad, nongom; kaye àyànikàdj.

We pay respect to the Algonquin people, who are the traditional guardians of this land. We acknowledge their longstanding relationship with this territory, which remains unceded. We pay respect to all Indigenous people in this region, from all nations across Canada, who call Ottawa home. We acknowledge the traditional knowledge keepers, both young and old. And we honour their courageous leaders: past, present, and future.

The University of Ottawa’s Indigenous Affirmation was written by the Office of Indigenous Affairs, in partnership with the Indigenous Education Council, Indigenous student groups, and members of the local Indigenous community.


Welcome to the University of Ottawa


We welcome you and wish you every success in this new stage of your career. We hope that this short, straightforward guide will help you to get your bearings in the beginning and to quickly find the answers to questions you may have. Our priority as members of this institution is to be a caring, equitable and inclusive community that’s respectful of its diversity and the well-being of its members.

A good way to get started might be to find someone to whom you can turn, for example, a colleague or friend, when you have questions. In short, someone who, while they may not have all the answers, can point you in the right direction


About this guide

This guide will introduce you to the University of Ottawa and explain the many resources that are specially designed to support you in your career and in your new role. The academic regulations and collective agreements (e.g., the Association of Professors of the University of Ottawa (APUO) collective agreement and the Association of Part-Time Professors of the University of Ottawa (APTUO) collective agreement) referenced in this guide are always useful documents to consult for compliance purposes. Other parts of this guide offer recommendations and suggestions that are worded along the lines of “You can…” and “Consider….”

Questions? Contact your program director, your faculty’s research unit or your department head.

We hope that you’ll find this resource helpful. All suggestions are welcome, which you can share using this form.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion

The University of Ottawa acknowledges that feeling comfortable in, contributing to and achieving one’s full potential in the workplace is a fundamental right, regardless of one’s experiences, background, mental health or abilities. We subscribe to the principles of diversity and equity. We also provides equal opportunities to all our staff.

The University of Ottawa is committed to recruiting, hiring and investing in staff in an equitable and inclusive manner. We firmly believe that this approach benefits everyone concerned and promotes innovation, engagement and productivity. The University also values individual and collective contributions.

The Accessibility Hub, a centralized online resource at the University of Ottawa, includes tools and resources that will help you identify and eliminate barriers to access, and provide support for persons on campus struggling with mental health issues.


A culture of caring and well-being

The University of Ottawa works hard to take care of our community. We all have a role to play in ensuring the success and well-being of our students, our staff and ourselves.

We encourage you to read the A caring University community guide. The logistics section of this guide includes tips on taking care of oneself, recognizing and helping persons in distress, and accessing student and professor support services.


A culture of academic integrity

We encourage you to read Academic Regulation A-4  – Academic Integrity and Academic Misconduct and resources for:


Following sections

The following sections contain information about your first days (logistics):


We wish you every success in this new stage of your career at the University of Ottawa!



New Professors' Guide Copyright © by University of Ottawa. All Rights Reserved.