Chapter 1: What is Self-Regulation?
ECE5J Course Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate knowledge of educational perspectives in early childhood education.
- Demonstrate an understanding of strategies to support families from a theoretical perspective.
- Provide theoretical and background context on the process of Self-Regulation.
Self-regulation is a term we refer to or think about regularly in our observations of young children.
Activity Text
Have you ever really taken the time to think about the definition of self-regulation? How do you define self-regulation?
Do you think your colleague’s definition of self-regulation would be the same as your definition? Why or why not?
What is the Definition of Self-Regulation?
In 2014, Jeremy Burman, Christopher Green and Stuart Shanker took it upon themselves to “disentangle the ambiguity around the meaning of self-regulation” (Hoffman, 2021).
Growing Activity
Activity Text
Guess how many definitions of self-regulation were discovered by Burman, Green and Shanker?
These research results clarify why we need to differentiate between what self-regulation is and what is not to support the development of self-regulation in young children.
Did you know that self-regulation is often confused with self-control?
A basic definition of self-control is the ability to adjust what one does to fit with what is socially acceptable. Self-control involves the ability to wait, go without, be patient and stop yourself from doing something you shouldn’t. Self-control also involves the ability to initiate and carry out a plan over a period of time. It develops through positive and supportive caregiving practices (Gerber, 1993).
The foundational blocks of Dr. Stuart Shanker’s research help us to recognize the difference between self-regulation and self-control. “Self-control is about inhibiting strong impulses. Self-regulation refers to how well we manage stress, how much energy we expend and how well we recover. More specifically, self-regulation makes self-control possible or not needed” (Shanker, 2016).
This foundational definition of self-regulation helps us to understand stress behaviour in young children as well as how to support children in recognizing and responding to their stressors.
Read, Reflect & Reimagine
Take some time to explore the building blocks of Shanker’s self-reg concepts or get to know a little bit more about self-regulation through the articles and video below:
Video: “Self Reg Misconception #20: Self-Reg is Just Another Term for Self-Control” by The MEHRIT Centre [5:19] is licensed under the Standard YouTube License.Transcript and closed captions available on YouTube.