
Russ Ellis

School of Interdisciplinary Science


ISCI 1A24/2A18 | Integrated Science Lab Component | 100 students

Their story

Students learn best by doing, not just exposure. This is the point of having labs. In order to facilitate student engagement in the lab, with data collection, equipment and TAs while limited by the virtual environment, the iSci program created the iStudio which consists of multiple iPhone11 devices and an array of microphones, tripods, and lighting features to enable a more fulfilling live lab experience.

We used a combination of digital labs, at-home experiments, and live events to deliver lab content for students in years 1 & 2. Dedicated lab time was part of the weekly schedule, and students joined their virtual Teams sessions to either work independently or in small groups with TA support throughout to facilitate real-time discussions.

The iStudio was used over the summer and throughout the academic terms to create training videos as well as some pre-recorded data collection. Portability allowed components to be taken out into the field for recording, as well as for live campus facility tours of the Central Animal Facility and the High Throughput Screening Lab. Live lab events utilized equipment and methods for the various projects and discipline-specific core labs in the program.

Student feedback was very positive. The 2nd-year cohort felt connected to the lab again and enjoyed the at-home data collection as it forced them to go outside for a change. The 1st-year students felt more engaged with their peers during labs and believe their eventual transition to campus will be less stressful.

Helpful support: Financial support from the Faculty of Science; Technical support from the Faculty of Science Remote Experience Tech Transition Team; Innovative ideas from JD Howell Communications and Public Affairs; Collaborative lab support from Linda Davis (Chemistry) and Sara Cormier (Physics); Incredible patience and professionalism from all the lab-based TA’s this past year; Never-ending emotional support from my colleagues in SIS and the iSci program.

Please direct any inquiries to: ellisr@mcmaster.ca


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