
Reviewer’s Notes

Mark Goldblatt

Guillermo Jimenez’s Good Corporation, Bad Corporation is a fair-minded and thoroughly readable introduction to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility. It is intended for students in business management and economics courses, but I think it is accessible to any college student in any discipline with an interest in the subject.

Chapter by chapter, students are encouraged not merely to master the information but to engage with it, to think critically about the real-world complexities of business ethics and to grasp competing rationales on both sides of tangled moral dilemmas. Rather than deal with abstractions, Jimenez walks the reader through the ways in which questions of CSR have actually played themselves out. There is no preaching or tendentiousness here. There is only respect for each student’s capacity to form intelligent opinions that are grounded in reason rather than in emotion.

Professor Mark Goldblatt, Chair, Department of Educational Skills, Fashion Institute of Technology (SUNY)