
Week 10: Getting Published


Many educational institutions and some learned societies have online guides about how to get your research results published. They exact format will vary, but the basic design of writing a paper for publication is broadly similar for most subjects and some good self-help guides exist. There are several academic journals that encourage new and early career academics to publish, such as The Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice (just browse for the title). In whatever journal you choose, regardless of the area of academic specialism, the journal will have a Week on ‘Instructions for authors’ which you should read carefully before deciding to submit your article for publication. For other forms of publishing, it is worth considering one of the self-publishing software services such as Blurb https://www.blurb.co.uk and Lulu https://www.lulu.com . They have a slightly different approach to formatting a book, but both are easy to use and work experimenting with. There are also several instructional videos on self-publishing. 

On Successful Completion of this Session, Students will be Able to:

Upon completing this week, you are able to identify strategies and tips to write up social research, to get your research papers published, and how to choose the best journal for your articles. 

Reading Resources

Supplementary Resources

    • Le, G. N. H., Tran, V., & Le, T. T. (2021). Combining Photography and Duoethnography for Creating a Trioethnography Approach to Reflect Upon Educational Issues Amidst the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, 16094069211034391.
    • Cook, D. A. (2016). Twelve tips for getting your manuscript published. Medical teacher, 38(1), 41-50.

13 Tips to Writing a Great Journal Article

How to Choose the Best Journal for Your Article



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Global EdD (taught doctorate) in Remote Pedagogy and Stewardship (Library submission version) Copyright © by Kara Ghobhainn Smith; David D. Plain; Frank Rennie, Gareth Davies, UHI, Thu Le; Clinton Beckford, Loretta Sbrocca; and ShiJing Xu, Chenkai Chi, Yuhan Deng, University of Windsor, Canada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.