
Week 1: Introduction to Environmental Stewardship from a Global Perspective


Students will become familiarized with the topics often discussed under the umbrella of Environmental Stewardship.  Students will be exposed to different interpretations of the terminology, and different contexts and views about each topic from across the globe.

This Week, You Will Be Expected to:

  • Become familiar with a bank of environmental stewardship terms and topics and begin your own glossary of terms.
  • Begin to recognize and appreciate different perspectives on stewardship from across the world.
  • Contemplate what it means to be a steward of the environment, and consider how environmental stewardship is important to and can be practiced in your location, industry, etc.
  • Communicate your understanding of environmental stewardship terms and topics.
  • Design an environmental stewardship award.

Questions to Consider Throughout this Week:

  1. What are the meanings of these terms: environmental education, stewardship, ecology, and conservation vs. preservation?
  2. What does it mean to be an environmental steward?
  3. Why is environmental stewardship important?
  4. What theoretical constructs or frameworks inform thinking around environmental stewardship?

Readings and Content

  1. Cutting Through the Jargon: Critical Concepts in Sustainability Education
    • Current Challenges to the Concept of Sustainability
    • Cabezudo, A., Cicala, F., de Bivar Black, M. L., da Silva, M. (2019). Global education guidelines: Concepts and methodologies on global education for educators and policy makers. North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. [PARTIC. CHAPTER A]

Environmental Education

    • Stapp, W. B., Bennett, D., Bryan, W., Fulton, J., MacGregor, J., Nowak, P., … & Havlick, S. (1969). The concept of environmental education. Journal of environmental education1(1), 30-31.
    • Guo, X., & Marinova, D. (2011). Environmental awareness in China: Facilitating the greening of the economy. SUSTAINING OUR FUTURE: understanding and living with uncertainty, 1673-1679.

Environmental Sustainability Education

    • Wals, A.E.J. & Kieft, G. (2010) Education for sustainable development, research overview. Sida Review, Stockholm.

Education for Sustainable Development


    • Stewardship Versus Citizenship
    • Bennett, N. J., Whitty, T. S., Finkbeiner, E., Pittman, J., Bassett, H., Gelcich, S., & Allison, E. H. (2018). Environmental stewardship: a conceptual review and analytical framework. Environmental management61(4), 597-614.


Conservation vs. Preservation

    • Minteer, B. A., & Corley, E. A. (2007). Conservation or preservation? A qualitative study of the conceptual foundations of natural resource management. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics20(4), 307-333.

2. What Does it Mean to be an Environmental Steward?

Multiple Conceptualizations of Environmental Stewardship

Theoretical Constructs and Frameworks that Inform Thinking around Environmental Stewardship

    • See Sustainability Science Vol. 14, Issue 3 for several peer-reviewed articles

3. Why is Environmental Stewardship Important?

The Different Implications of Environmental Stewardship Around the World

Additional Resources You May Find Useful 

Earth Stewardship. Linking Ecology and Ethics in Theory and Practice
Earth Stewardship by Ricardo RozziF, Stuart Chapin IIIJ, Baird CallicottS.T.A, PickettMary E, PowerJuan J. Armesto, and Roy H. May Jr.


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Global EdD (taught doctorate) in Remote Pedagogy and Stewardship (Library submission version) Copyright © by Kara Ghobhainn Smith; David D. Plain; Frank Rennie, Gareth Davies, UHI, Thu Le; Clinton Beckford, Loretta Sbrocca; and ShiJing Xu, Chenkai Chi, Yuhan Deng, University of Windsor, Canada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.