Additional Resources

Resources marked in green are barrier-free.


Middle Dutch and its Literature:

  • Claassens, Geert H. M., and David F. Johnson. King Arthur in the Medieval Low Countries. Leuven University Press, 2000. Google Books,
  • Hüning, Matthias, and Ulrike Vogl. “Middle Dutch – A Short Introduction.” Of Reynaert the Fox: Text and Facing Translation of the Middle Dutch Beast Epic Van Den Vos Reynaerde, edited by André Bouwman and Bart Besamusca, Amsterdam University Press, 2009, pp. 257–72., [Free account login required.]
  • van Kerckvoorde, Colette M. An Introduction to Middle Dutch. De Gruyter Mouton, 2019. [Explains Middle Dutch linguistics through a series of readings. Includes a useful glossary. While the glossary only presents the words that appeared in the readings chosen by the author, it is possibly the closest we have to a Middle-Dutch-to-English dictionary, as all others translate Middle Dutch into modern Dutch.]
  • Mooijaart, M. A., and M. J. van der Wal. Nederlands van Middeleeuwen tot Gouden Eeuw : cursus Middelnederlands en Vroegnieuwnederlands. Uitgeverij Vantilt, 2011.
  • Verdam, Jacob, et al. Middelnederlandsch handwoordenboek. M. Nijhoff, 1956.



  • Finet-Van der Schaaf, Baukje. Le Roman de Moriaen/Roman van Moriaen. UGA Éditions, 2009. [The most recent edition of the text, with a very good French translation. The author also indicates a few modern Dutch translations which may be of interest.]
  • Weston, Jessie. Morien. A Metrical Romance Rendered into English Prose from the Mediæval Dutch. D. Nutt, 1901. Gutenberg, [The only existing English translation of the text. While it is a useful tool for a first approach to the text, this translation is very old-fashioned and often incorrect.]

A German translation of Moriaen was in preparation in the late 20th century but was unfortunately never published. The lesson plans have been updated with a new English translation of my own. This translation is not to be reused and is purely for pedagogical purposes.


Reading Medieval Manuscripts:


Black Characters in Medieval Art:


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Reading Blackness and Race in Germanic Arthurian Romance Copyright © by Sophie M.C. Jordan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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