
What’s next – the Georgian Innovative Faculty Micro Certificate

So, you’ve applied for badges and have demonstrated with care your transformative nature. Why not apply for the Georgian Innovative Faculty Micro Certificate.

The Innovative Georgian College Faculty Certificate



Innovative Georgian College faculty try new things (emerging), use best practices and iterate regularly (performing) and support the teaching and learning ecosystem of Georgian (transforming). They are engaged and, in turn, engage others in conversation and action related to excellent teaching and learning. They act as mentors to peers and connect to the strategic priorities of Georgian translating those to their classrooms. Students succeed and flourish in their classes and peers succeed and flourish in the college because of their commitment to Georgian’s teaching and learning community.


Faculty may apply for the final certificate (noted with the badge icon below) after demonstrating transforming competence in the eight faculty competencies. Faculty may continue to deepen and grow their practice by earning annual stamps to be added to their certificate.



Innovative Faculty Micro-Certificate



Innovative Georgian College faculty do the following:
  • Prioritize trying new things as essential to growth in teaching practice.  
  • Intentionally use an iterative (continuously improving) approach to teaching that supports student success and contributes to student flourishing.  
  • Positively impacts the teaching and learning ecosystem and the success and flourishing of faculty peers. 


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Georgian College Innovative Faculty Competency Framework Copyright © by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Iain Robertson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.