
Introduction to the Georgian College Innovative Faculty Competency Framework

The Innovative Georgian College Faculty Competency Framework is a system meant to help educators consider and engage in conversation about the many roles we assume and hats we wear in our day-to-day professional lives.

Included as a strategic priority in Georgian College’s Academic Plan, the Competency Framework has been created by faculty for faculty with the following amazing goals:

Goals of the Innovative GC Faculty Competency Framework

• Offer all Georgian Faculty access to competency-based micro-credentials and professional learning opportunities that align with key Georgian priorities and excellent teaching and learning practice
• Activate a model that celebrates faculty as they move from emerging skills to transformative teaching
• Promote continual engagement with clearly mapped, scaffolded, professional development pathways and journey markers where faculty can easily make professional learning decisions
• Clearly share with the college community what the role of faculty entails when teaching at Georgian

We know that we develop competence along a continuum and each of us will move along that continuum at a unique pace. Our growth never stops as teaching and learning contexts continue to change. This makes education one of the most exciting and challenging fields. [insert quote here]

Here’s what our peers are saying about the potential of the framework:

Georgian College’s new Innovative Teaching Competency Framework is …

  • “a way to look at all the skills that go into our work. E.g. to create an assignment we need designer, researcher, … skills” (Samantha).
  • “a great tool for those of us who strive to build upon what we may have always done, move yourself forward with vision and purpose.”
  • “a framework that outlines who faculty are, what faculty do, and who faculty ought to be. It honours the journey of faculty — past, present, and future — with indefinite learning” (Emma, Shivali, Nergis and Christine).”
  • “a tool for learning and development in the constant development of teaching style, technique …. A tool for teaching growth and support of development.”
  • “reflective of a passionate dedicated educator who strives to exceed expectations” (Samantha).
  • Comprehensive in that it covers all aspects of a faculty members’ role. Visual in that the images allow faculty to imagine and picture what role they are supposed to play.”
  • “Exploring and revealing all aspects of what it is to be an instructor at Georgian College” (Steve).
  • “A good idea. [It would] Also be nice to have something that is ‘resumeable’ (to quote a phrase)” (Mark).
  • “a comprehensive mapping of all faculty ‘do’.”
  • “an action which will make real changes in college teaching system.”
  • “the roadmap to being awesome at your job.”


In our Faculty Competency Framework, we have identified three stages of growth in competence.

Emerging Performing Transforming
faculty at the emerging stage are recognizing the importance of this competency for teaching faculty at the performing stage are actively doing this competency as they teach faculty at the transforming stage are impacting the teaching and learning ecosystem

We are working to tag our professional learning opportunities in order to help you make decisions related to your professional growth. Our badging system operates with the following tagging system. You can use it and the associated competency statements to decide where you are in your development and choose where you might invest your time to scale your practice.


*recognizing the importance

Performing (P)

*doing it

Transforming (T)

*impacting the ecosystem

Designer (DE) Designer – Emerging


Designer – Performing


Designer – Transforming


Researcher (RE) Researcher – Emerging


Researcher – Performing


Researcher – Transforming


Inclusive Practitioner (IP) Inclusive Practitioner – Emerging


Inclusive Practitioner – Performing


Inclusive Practitioner – Transforming


Changemaker (CH) Changemaker – Emerging


Changemaker – Performing


Changemaker – Transforming


Digital Navigator (DN) Digital Navigator – Emerging


Digital Navigator – Performing


Digital Navigator – Transforming


Collaborator (CO) Collaborator – Emerging


Collaborator – Performing


Collaborator – Transforming


Reflector (RF) Reflector – Emerging


Reflector – Performing


Reflector – Transforming


Mentor (ME) Mentor – Emerging


Mentor – Performing


Mentor – Transforming


We are thrilled you are here! If you are reading this, you are sending such a strong signal of your commitment to your teaching profession. We are so privileged to have the opportunity to work with you. Please reach out to Georgian’s Centre for Teaching and Learning for more information and for any questions.

You can visit our CTL website.

Email Tracy Mitchell-Ashley or Iain Robertson for more information.


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Georgian College Innovative Faculty Competency Framework Copyright © by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Iain Robertson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.