
About being a designer: Criteria and competency statements

DESIGNER (DE) competency

designer competency image including mouse, notebook and pencil
Faculty have to design to teach.

Innovative faculty are DESIGNERS.

They design courses, classes, teaching and learning activities, and assessments to facilitate student learning. They recognize the importance of mapping courses for students and use evidence-informed pedagogy / andragogy to inform their practice. They recognize the importance of universal design, creating spaces of belonging, and sharing with peers to positively impact the teaching ecosystem.

Design work is essential work in contemporary teaching and learning.

Georgian peers helped identify the key criteria associated with the DESIGNER role and work of faculty. 


Key criteria: 

|intentional | innovative | guide / way finder | cultivator|

Innovative Georgian College faculty are intentional in their design of teaching and learning opportunities. They innovate by maintaining currency in both their field and their teaching practice to best position their students. They actively guide their students and help them find their way in each course and in the Georgian teaching and learning ecosystem through connections to student success services and opportunities like the library, Indigenous Centre, EDIB resources, Mental Health and Well-being MHWB) team, etc.


Exemplar performance descriptors and competency statements

Faculty who are DESIGNING at an EMERGING level (DE-E) might demonstrate the following: 
  • Identify characteristics of students that may impact their learning.
  • Define what innovative teaching practice looks like, feels like, sounds like.
  • Recognize the importance of mapping a course to support student learning.
  • Identify components of integrated course design.


Faculty who are DESIGNING at a PERFORMING level (DE-P) may do the following:

  • Intentionally create universally designed teaching and learning activities.
  • Integrate innovative teaching practices into the learning environment.
  • Facilitate student learning with scaffolded, mapped and woven experiences.
  • Cultivate student learning by using evidence-informed, authentic opportunities for practice.


Faculty who are DESIGNING at a TRANSFORMING level (DE-T) may do the following:

  • Participate openly in dialogue with peers about inclusive course design.
  • Demonstrate commitment to improving practice through risk taking in course design
  • Mentor others in transformative course design.
  • Curate and share high impact practices to engage students.


Please note that these descriptors are not exhaustive. Faculty demonstrate this competency in numerous ways, all of which are key to innovative teaching. Please share your exemplars as you describe how you are emerging, performing, or transforming the teaching and learning ecosystem.

designer competency image including mouse, notebook and pencil


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Georgian College Innovative Faculty Competency Framework Copyright © by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Iain Robertson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.