
Apply for your reflector badges

Are you ready to share your competence in REFLECTING as a tool for creating educational opportunities for your students? Apply for your emerging, performing and / or transforming badges and be one step closer to earning your Innovative Georgian College Faculty Certificate.

Innovative Reflector - Emerging


Faculty who are REFLECTING at an EMERGING level might demonstrate the following:

o Recognize the importance of feedback for a growth mindset.

o Consider ways to practice reflection.

o Identify areas for growing teaching practice.

o Understand the value of iteration (trying again) in teaching practice.

Questions to consider: Are you aligned with these statements? Or can you make a case for others? Can you tell your story to demonstrate your competence? Do you have artefacts to share?

Apply for this badge.



Innovative Reflector - Performing


Faculty who are REFLECTING at a PERFORMING level may do the following:

o Collect feedback about teaching practice as part of an ongoing cycle of reflection.

o Analyze feedback to set intentions and make changes.

o Prioritize and make changes in teaching practice.

o Intentionally incorporate reflection into their teaching practice.

Questions to consider: Are you aligned with these statements? Or can you make a case for others? Can you tell your story to demonstrate your competence? Do you have artefacts to share?

Apply for this badge.

Innovative Reflector - Transforming


Faculty who are REFLECTING at a TRANSFORMING level may do the following:

o Help others see value in gathering feedback to transform teaching practice.

o Support peers in developing a system of reflective and analytical practice.

o Share stories of growth in teaching practice to support others in transforming their practice.

o Model the circular process of gathering feedback, analyzing it, revising and acting on it.

Questions to consider: Are you aligned with these statements? Or can you make a case for others? Can you tell your story to demonstrate your competence? Do you have artefacts to share?

Apply for this badge.

Do you have any questions? Please reach out to Tracy Mitchell-Ashley or Iain Robertson.


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Georgian College Innovative Faculty Competency Framework Copyright © by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Iain Robertson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.