
About being a digital navigator: Criteria and competency statements


Innovative faculty are DIGITAL NAVIGATORS. 

In their work, they create opportunities for learning that are innovative and supportive of learners’ needs. They seek out digital solutions that best fit each teaching context. Tools are chosen with purpose and with consideration for all aspects of learning. These faculty share their skills in the support of peers thereby impacting the teaching and learning digital ecosystem of Georgian. Faculty developing competence in their role as digital navigators may do the following things.

Being a digital navigator is essential to contemporary teaching and learning.

Georgian peers helped identify the key criteria associated with the DIGITAL NAVITATOR role and work of faculty. 


Key criteria: 

|learner-centered | innovative| ethical| connected|

Innovative Georgian College faculty are digital navigators. They explore learning technologies and navigate the use of these technologies though a learner-centered lens and an ethical approach. Navigation means not only using and knowing but guiding students as they also learn to navigate these technologies.


Exemplar performance descriptors and competency statements

Faculty who are DIGITAL NAVIGATORS at an EMERGING level (DN-E) might do the following:

  • Consider the impact of principles of equity on choice of educational technology.
  • Explore digital teaching solutions using a course design lens.
  • Recognize ethical considerations when using digital tools in teaching and learning.
  • Identify digital tools that are available at Georgian College.


Faculty who are DIGITAL NAVIGATORS at a PERFORMING level (DN-P) might do the following:

  • Skillfully incorporate learning tech based on careful consideration of pros and cons from learners’ perspectives.
  • Iterate digital solutions and try again when something doesn’t work.
  • Make decisions about learning technologies based on ethical considerations.
  • Leverage education technologies available to connect and/or engage students.


Faculty who are DIGITAL NAVIGATORS at a TRANSFORMING level (DN-T) might do the following:

  • Share success and failure stories in implementing educational technologies.
  • Support others in their digital journey.
  • Share ethical vision and mentor peers in their learning tech choices.
  • Actively engage in connection-making around the use of educational technology.


Please note that these descriptors are not exhaustive. Faculty demonstrate this competency in numerous ways, all of which are key to innovative teaching. Please share your exemplars as you describe how you are emerging, performing, or transforming the teaching and learning ecosystem.


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Georgian College Innovative Faculty Competency Framework Copyright © by Tracy Mitchell-Ashley; Iain Robertson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.