
8.11 – Creating Reference List Citations Activity

Steps to creating a reference list citation

As you’ve learned, creating a reference citation requires a few steps:

  1. Identify the type of source,
  2. Identify the 4W’s of the work (Who, When, What, Where),
  3. Write the reference citation using the 4W’s and guidance from a correct example,
  4. Lastly, it’s also important to proofread your work.

When creating a reference citation, pay attention to the 4W’s and how to correctly format each reference citation using punctuation and font emphasis (italics).

Complete the activities below to practice creating reference citations.

Activity 1

Screenshot of the top portion of a journal article, showing info on the source type, article title, authors, and article summary information.
Source: Victorino, K. R. & Hinkle, M. S. (2019, February). The development of a self-efficacy measurement tool for counseling in speech-language pathology. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (AJSLP), 28(1), 108-120. [Screenshot used under Fair dealing.]

Reference List Citation Activity – 1

Reference List Citation Activity – 1 (Text version)
  1. You want to write a reference citation for this scholarly journal article. Select all the pieces of information you need to gather in order to write the complete reference citation.
    1. Name of the journal
    2. Year of publication
    3. Author name(s)
    4. Author credentials
    5. DOI
    6. Abstract
    7. Volume and issue numbers
    8. Page range
    9. Title of the article

Check your Answer: [1]

Activity Source:Creating Reference List Citations Activity” In APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst, University of Alberta Library, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License

Activity 2

screenshot of book cover and first page with copyright information. Book is Applying Cross-Curricular Approaches Creatively by Jonathan Barnes, published by Routledge in 2018, with DOI https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315513614
Screenshot source: Jonathan Barnes, Applying cross-curricular approaches creatively. APA reference excluded due to nature of activity. [Screenshots created & used under Fair Dealing by NorQuest College Library,]

You want to create a reference citation for the eBook shown above. Drag and drop each element of the reference citation’s 4Ws into their corresponding box to create the eBook’s complete reference citation.

Create a Reference List Citation – 1

Create a Reference List Citation (Text version)

Create a reference list citation by putting the following elements in order:

  • https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315513614
  • Applying cross-curricular approaches creatively.
  • (2018).
  • Barnes, J.
  • Routledge.

Check your Answer: [2]

Activity Source:Creating Reference List Citations Activity” In APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst, University of Alberta Library, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License

Activity 3

ATA magazine article from Summer 2020 by Kelli Ewasiuk titled "What Do I Do All Day?" The image shows the article text, table of teacher activities per day, and image of frazzled teacher juggling stacks of books and papers.
Image source: The ATA Magazine [Captured & used by University of Alberta Library under Fair Dealing].
ProQuest database record in webbrowser showing top of the full-text PDF of the ATA magazine article "What Do I Do All Day?" by Kelli Ewasiuk from Summer 2012. The web browser in the image shows publication and title information of the article, the article's graphic of frazzled female teacher holding stacks of books and papers, and a list of related items in a vertical banner on the right side beside the PDF.
Image source: ProQuest database displaying an article from ATA magazine [Captured & Used by University of Alberta Library under Fair Dealing]

Reference List Citation Activity – 2

Reference List Citation Activity – 2 (Text version)
  1. Examine the images of the work above. What type of source is this?
    1. Scholarly journal article
    2. Newspaper
    3. Trade publication
    4. eBook

Check your Answer: [3]

Activity Source:Creating Reference List Citations Activity” In APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst, University of Alberta Library, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License

Activity 4

Image of the cover and title page of the ebook "The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education: Psychoanalytic, Attachment, and Developmental Perspectives edited by Marilyn Charles and Jill Bellinson and published by Routledge. The title is aligned with the top left section of the page, with editors shown in the center and the publisher name and logo in the bottom left corner.
Image source: The Importance of Play in Early Childhood Education (Routledge) [Captured & used under Fair Dealing by University of Alberta Library]

Copyright page of the ebook "The importance of play in early childhood education: Psychoanalytic, attachment, and developmental perspectives". Copyright page includes all the publication details of the ebook. Key information here are the editors Marilyn Charles and Jill Bellinson, the publication date 2019, and the publisher Routledge.Table of contents of the ebook "The importance of play in early childhood education: Psychoanalytic, attachment, and developmental perspectives". In the image the first chapter is highlighted with a blue border. The first chapter is titled "Child development through play" by Stephanie Creekpaum and starts at page 11 and ends at page 18.Image source: Front pages & cover of The importance of play in early childhood education: Psychoanalytic, attachment, and developmental perspectives. Routledge. [Captured & used by University of Alberta Library under Fair Dealing].

Reference List Citation Activity – 3

Reference List Citation Activity – 3 (Text version)
Using the following parts, create the reference list citation for a chapter in an edited book with a DOI.
  • The importance of play in early childhood education: Psychoanalytic, attachment, and developmental perspectives
  • https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315180090
  • (2019).
  • Creekpaum, S.
  • In M. Charles & J. Bellinson (Eds.),
  • (pp. 11-18).
  • Child development through play.
  • Routledge
Check your Answer: [4]

Activity Source:Creating Reference List Citations Activity” In APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst, University of Alberta Library, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License

Attribution & References

This chapter (text, images & H5P activities) is adapted from “Creating Reference List Citations Activity” In APA Style Citation Tutorial by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst, University of Alberta Library, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License / Updates for accessibility including long descriptions and adapting the initial text to outline the 4W’s, CC license notes.

Unless otherwise noted, screenshots & images captured of source materials are created and used under Fair Dealing by University of Alberta Library and licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International.

Media Attributions

  • [Screenshot of Journal article publication and summary information] used under Fair Dealing
  • Screenshot of book cover – Applying Cross-Curricular Approaches Creatively by Jonathan Barnes, used under Fair Dealing
  • Screenshot of ATA magazine article, used under Fair Dealing
  • ATA magazine article in ProQuest database, used under Fair Dealing
  • Copyright page for an ebook example used under Fair Dealing
  • Table of Contents page with Creekpaum’s chapter highlighted used under Fair Dealing

  1. 1. a, b, c, e, g, h, & i are all required.
  2. Barnes, J. (2018). Applying cross-curricular approaches creatively. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315513614
  3. c. Trade publication
  4. Creekpaum, S. (2019). Child development through play. In M. Charles & J. Bellinson (Eds.), The importance of play in early childhood education: Psychoanalytic, attachment, and developmental perspectives (pp. 11-18). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315180090


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8.11 - Creating Reference List Citations Activity Copyright © 2022 by Jen Booth, Emily Cramer & Amanda Quibell, Georgian College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.