
Round 2

New evidence gathered at workplaces


To review, assess, and discuss new evidence. This new evidence will come from eyewitness accounts (e.g., a primary source) provided by someone in your own household as well as someone from outside your household.

In this round, community members will each join a household. Each group also receives the following new sources of information from workplaces and the community:

  • an eyewitness account from a household member who has been to work;
  • an eyewitness account from the member of another household and/or a community member who joins your household.

Each household will discuss the new information in order to gather more facts and evidence. Share all information except that which is identified as private on your role sheet.

Everyone must produce their identity cards to prove that they are not spies. If a player cannot produce their card, then the information they is not to be trusted.

Visit your neighbours & the community

  • Moving in sequence, one member of each household will visit the next household. Note: the household member who moves cannot be the moderator or the notetaker. For example, one member of Household 1 (the Hendersons) will move to Household 2 (the Empeys).
  • Each community member will choose a household to visit. This choice is random. Mr. and Mrs. Khan will each visit a separate household.


Continue to use the following instructions to guide the conversation and ensure that the information your group has is properly evaluated.

Household and community members

Continue to build your understanding of the impact and implications of the most recent bombings.

Fact find

Determine the facts that you have about what has just happened in your city:

  • What do we now know?
    • German air raid attacks: strategy and number?
    • Where have the bombs fallen in Manchester?
    • How many people are injured or dead?
    • Are communication and transportation systems disrupted?
    • What are the conditions in the community shelter?
    • Can you buy food (with ration coupons) and other supplies?
    • Where will you go if your home is badly damaged?
  • Based on this information, what is the threat of another bombing today?


To answer these questions, evaluate the information you currently have about the war and determine if it is:

  • current (which includes relevant)
  • authoritative
  • truthful (which includes being accurate) and not harmful
  • biases

Map your evidence

Use the Manchester city map to visualize this information to better see what is happening. Household members find your home on the map.


Use these criteria to evaluate the information that you currently have. Use the Warden’s Report Form/War Report Form to record your findings.

Identify information gaps

Is there any additional information you might need and be able to gather such as:

  • What is the Luftwaffe strategy for bombing English cities?
  • How many British people have been injured or died so far during the war?
  • What air raid precautions were in place in Britain during the war?


Analyze, discuss and share with the other households and community members what you know (and don’t know).

The Bailey Household: Access special Round 2 information

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Do we take shelter? Gamer handbook Copyright © 2023 by Martha Attridge Bufton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.