

The aim of this book is to kick start your understanding of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV).

This project extends Ontario Tech University’s record of excellence in developing and delivering STEM-focused secondary and post-secondary programs with a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

By engaging with this text, we hope you will explore and develop

a) Basic understanding of  Zumi, a programmable self-driving car;

b) Knowledge of block coding and it’s application to CAV;

c) Computational thinking skills that use Artificial Intelligence-based CAV technology to perceive, recognize and localize vehicles;

d) Problem-solving skills required for programming;

e) Critical thinking skills to evaluate equity, diversity, and inclusion within Artificial Intelligence-based CAV technology.


How to engage with this book

We implore you to participate with this book as much as possible. Participate in the activities and critically reflect on your progress. Take the time needed to explore these topics fully and actively question your understanding.

We hope that this book sparks a passion for STEM, programming, or Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV).


Interested in a career in CAV?

Explore career pathways in Ontario’s automotive and mobility sector through Skills and Career Navigator, powered by Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)




Foundations of programming with Blockly and Zumi Copyright © by Brandon Carson. All Rights Reserved.