Intersectionality and forced migration experiences

14 Disability in Canada’s refugee protection


Disability and forced migration to Canada:


Webinar recording: “Supporting Intersectional Needs of Refugees with Disabilities and their Families” hosted by the Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants, December 2021:


Online exhibit about the resettlement to Canada of blind refugees after the Second World War: “Refugees, Disability and Technology in Transnational Postwar Canada, 1946-1953” by Beth Robertson and the Carleton University Disability Research Group:



Interview with critical disability and migration studies scholar Ameil Joseph from McMaster University “Migration has always been a disability justice issue” about disability-related discrimination in Canadian immigration past and present:


Forced Migration Review issue number 35: Disability and displacement. July 2010. 27 short articles on different topics related to disability and displacement in various contexts around the world, written by academics and practitioners:



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Forced migration in Canada Copyright © by Christina Clark-Kazak is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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