Book Title: Finding Evidence-based Information for Health Sciences Students

Book Description: This series of information literacy modules will help post-secondary students in the health sciences (especially Nursing) find and use reliable information for class assignments. It covers the essential steps from developing a topic to searching databases to evaluating resources to writing an academic paper and citing sources in APA style.
Book Information
Book Description
This series of information literacy modules will help post-secondary students in the health sciences (especially Nursing) find and use reliable information for class assignments. It covers the essential steps from developing a topic to searching databases to evaluating resources to writing an academic paper and citing sources in APA style. Created collaboratively by library staff at 13 colleges (and one college-like institution) in Ontario, Canada, these modules should be relevant to students in college and university health sciences programs around the world. They have been designed to be appropriate for first-year students with no background in research, while also including more advanced techniques that will benefit experienced searchers.
Finding Evidence-based Information for Health Sciences Students Copyright © 2022 by College Libraries Ontario, The Learning Portal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Information retrieval and access