
School, Department, and Program Policies


Health Studies and Communication Skills Program: All required assignments must be submitted on the date and time outlined within the course outline or by the professor, and in the form (digital or hard copy) as instructed by the professor. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure the required assignment is submitted digital and/or hardcopy via the method that has been indicated by the professor ie (dropbox/email).

If a student does not submit an assignment on the due date and does not communicate and negotiate a new due date with the professor prior to the original due date, 5% per school day will be deducted. Late assignments must be submitted in digital or hard copy format and 5% per day deduction will be added until the assignment is received by the professor. It is the student’s responsibility to follow-up to inform that the assignment was received by the professor, if a grade is not received from the instructor.

If a student cannot submit an assignment on the due date for any reason, they must notify the professor in advance and request an extension giving reasons for the delay. If an extension is not granted, the student is expected to have the assignment completed by the specified date.

In exceptional circumstances1, if a student cannot submit an assignment on the date for any reason, they must notify the appropriate professor at least 24 hours in advance or as soon as possible and request an extension giving reasons for the delay. When an extension is granted, the student will receive full consideration for the assignment. Assignments with extensions are due at a specific date and time as arranged with the professor. Penalties may be applied to extended assignments. In certain instances, with late, makeup, or remedial work, assignments may be marked as pass/fail only.

All submitted work may be reviewed for authenticity and originality utilizing Turnitin®. Students who do not wish to have their work submitted to Turnitin® must, by the end of the second week of class, communicate this in writing to the instructor and make mutually agreeable alternate arrangements.

Foot Note:
1Written documentation is required to support claims of exceptional circumstances, i.e., illness or death of a family member

Assignment Drop Box

Given that courses are being taught online you will be required to upload and submit your assignments using the eCentennial Assignment tool. Alternately, your professor will provide your with specific instructions on submitting assignments.


You will need to go to the Quizzes tool in eCentennial to write and submit your quizzes and tests.

Tests or assignments conducted remotely may require the use of online proctoring technology where your identification is verified and their activity is monitored and/or recorded, both audibly and visually through remote access to your computer and web camera. Your myCard ID may be required when you write your tests. If you require an alternate assessment format you must communicate this in writing to the instructor as soon as possible and prior to the test or assignment due date to explore mutually agreeable alternatives.

Missed Test

 When a student is unable to be present for a test, the student must contact the professor via email or telephone prior to the test. If a student needs medical accommodation, he/she must contact Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services (CALCS)

Failure on the part of the student to do the following may result in a grade of zero for that evaluative method:

Notify the professor in advance of the scheduled test.

Arrangements for missed tests for eligible students will be communicated in writing. Students are responsible for contacting the professor regarding the missed test. The missed test will be scheduled by the professor and may be any time between 0700 hours and 2100 hours on any day between Monday and Friday.

*The format for any missed test (i.e. short answer and/or multiple choice and/or case study) is up to the discretion of the course professor. The format for the missed test will be communicated with the student prior to the scheduled date of the missed test and is  up to the discretion of the course professor.

Students who miss a test are not permitted to attend class during any in class discussions of test results.

Failure to adhere to the above criteria will result in a grade of zero for the test that was missed. As this is viewed as academic dishonesty and will be sanctioned with the penalties outlined in the academic dishonesty college policy.

At the professor’s discretion, any student arriving late for a test may not be admitted and if admitted, will not be allowed additional time. Students arriving after other students have exited the classroom will not be allowed to take the test at that time. Records of absence from tests will be kept in the student files.


Missed in-class assignments and performance tests

When a student is unable to be present for an in-class assignment or performance test, the student must contact the professor via email or telephone in advance. If a student needs medical accommodation, he/she must contact Centre for Accessible Learning and Counselling Services (CALCS)

Failure on the part of the student to do the following may result in a grade of zero for that evaluative method:

  • Notify the professor in advance of the scheduled in-class assignment or performance test.
  • Rescheduling of the in-class assignment or performance test is at the professor’s discretion.


The following are program policies for test review:

  • Test review will occur within two weeks following the release of the test mark.
  • Review of term tests will not occur during scheduled class time.
  • Review of tests will not occur on a “drop-in” basis.
  • Electronic devices, pens, pencils and paper are not permitted in test review sessions.
  • Students may review each test only once during the semester.
  • Students who are absent for scheduled test review must submit a written request via email to the professor to make arrangements to review the test.

The procedure for reviewing term tests is at the discretion of the professor.


A student request to review a final examination must be made in writing via email to the professor within 10 business days of the release of the final grade in the course.

Evaluation and Grading

Grades set by the Program for individual courses supersede the College grading system.

  • A “C” grade is required for promotion for all theoretical courses within the program, including the English (COMM) and General Education (GNED) courses.

The Grading System for evaluating student performance is as follows.


A+ Outstanding 90-100% 4.5
A Excellent 80-89% 4.0
B+ Very good 75-79% 3.5
B Good 70-74% 3.0
C+ Satisfactory 65-69% 2.5
C 60-64% 2.0
D+ Minimal* 55-59% 1.5
D 50-54% 1.0
F Failure** 0-49% 0
FNA Failure Non-Attendance
P Pass**
I Incomplete
AEG Aegrotat standing
AUD Audit status
CIP Course in progress
TCR Transfer credit
NGR No grade required

*In courses in some programs, these grades may not be considered a passing grade, and a higher passing grade may be required. The minimum required GPA for graduation is 2.0 and may be higher for some programs.

** May be used in a course where a percentage grade is inappropriate

Q.     What is GPA?

  1. GPA stands for Grade Point Average. Grade points are numeric values attached to each letter grade that is awarded for each course you have completed. For a full explanation of GPA, see Grade System in the Academic Policies section of the College’s Full-time Catalogue at https://p.widencdn.net/p1rkrg/full-time-guidebook-2020-2021 or the Grading Policy posted on the policy webpage at centennialcollege.ca/about-centennial/college-overview/college-policies

Q.     What happens if I fail a course?

  1. If you fail one course, you may re-enroll to repeat the course the next time that course is offered. If that course is a pre-requisite for another course, you cannot progress to that course until you have successfully completed the failed course. You will be put in Conditional or Probationary Academic Standing. See Academic Progression section below.

If you fail a course or do not take a course in the required sequence you may have a sequencing problem because courses may be taught only once per year and you may not be able to take the failed course for at least another full year. This may mean it will cost you time to get back in proper course sequence. Refer to the program model route for current pre-requisite requirements. When you fail a course, you cannot be guaranteed the opportunity to repeat the course the next time it is offered. This will depend on available space after all regularly scheduled students have registered for the course.

Q.     If I fail a course and repeat the same course successfully, will my GPA include both attempts?

  1. No. Only the attempt that has the higher mark will be used to calculate your GPA. However, both attempts will appear on your academic transcript.

Q.    How many times can I repeat a course?

  1. You are allowed to repeat a course two times. A third repeat will require the Dean or a designate’s approval.

Q.     What is an “I” grade? How long does an “I” grade remain on my transcript?

  1. An Incomplete (I) grade is a temporary grade intended to be an acknowledgement of a legitimate reason for granting a one time, limited extension to the time normally allowed to complete all course requirements.

Students have time after the scheduled end of the course to successfully complete required additional work as determined by the faculty member who assigned the grade (up to 12 calendar months) in order to qualify for a passing grade. After 12 calendar months, Incomplete grades are converted to a failing grade and the student must repeat the course in order to achieve a passing grade.

Withdrawing from a Course or Program

If you decide to withdraw from a course or program, you must meet with the Success Advisor to discuss the implications of dropping a course or withdrawing from the program.

Withdrawing from a course or program without academic penalty must be done officially by submitting a Withdrawal Form or Course Add/Drop Form to the Enrolment Services Office before or by the withdrawal deadline date.

Q.     If I decide to drop a course, will I get a ‘F’ grade?
  1. If you drop a course before the deadline date, no grade is assigned and the course is removed from your record. Make sure you complete the Course Add/Drop Form, have it signed by your Success Advisor and submit it to Enrolment Services on or before the deadline date.

Courses on a student’s record after the withdrawal deadline become a part of the student’s permanent official record. Therefore, if you stop attending class/completing course activities without officially withdrawing you may be assigned a Failure or Failure, Non-Attendance (FNA) grade at the end of the semester. An FNA may be assigned when a student has been absent without permission from required course meetings or have not participated in/completed course activities/assignments. This grade is counted as a failure in the calculation of your GPA and academic standing.

Q.     Will I get a refund if I withdraw from a course?
  1. You will receive a partial refund of fees only if you officially withdraw within the first ten days of the semester. Some fees, however, such as the OSAP fee-deferral charge and administration fees, are not refundable.
Q.     What are some possible consequences of withdrawing from a course or program?
  1. Withdrawing from a course or program or reducing the number of courses in which you are enrolled in the semester can have some significant consequences. Some of the consequences may include the following:
  • Your eligibility for an OSAP loan may change.
  • The duration of your studies may be extended and/or graduation may be delayed.
  • You may need to incur additional fees.
  • Any sponsorship arrangements you have in place may be affected.
  • Your eligibility for inter-collegiate sports may be affected.
  • Prerequisites for upcoming semesters may be impacted.

School of Community and Health Studies, Nursing Department Policies

At the beginning of each course, students will be informed re the specific requirements of that course and the way in which the learning will be evaluated.

1.    Final grades reflect the students’ performance on a variety of term and final testing components.

2.    A “C” grade is required for satisfactory completion of a course.

3.    Promotion into the next semester of a program requires a ‘C’ grade in all core courses (including COMM) in the current semester.*

4.    Final promotion from a program qualifies the student for a Centennial College Diploma/Certificate. To achieve final promotion a ‘C’ or ‘P’ grade is required in all courses throughout the program (including COMM courses)*

* Please refer to the Program Model Route or Program Specific Policies for precise guidelines on promotion within a particular program.

Regular ongoing evaluation of academic and practical performance will keep the student informed of his/her progress. Based upon faculty review of such progress, recommendations for remedial procedures or withdrawal from the program will be made.

Repeating A Course

Should a student be unsuccessful in one or more courses and has been granted re- admission to repeat the course(s) in a subsequent semester(s), it is expected that the student will repeat the failed course(s) & its co-requisites*.

* Clinical/Field currency may require a repeating Student to also repeat a successful practice course with continuous demonstration of safe & consistent behavior.

The number of repeats allowed for a course in the Health Studies Department programs is 1(ONE). If a student is unsuccessful in the same course twice, they will not be able to repeat the course again.

If a student is unsuccessful in 2 or more courses within a semester, they will be placed on academic suspension and will not be able to enroll in courses for the next 2 consecutive semesters.

Attendance Policy

Specific programs & courses have specific attendance requirements however it is strongly recommended that students attend all classes.

Although general attendance in ‘theory’ classes is not compulsory, attendance is compulsory for classes designated as “Laboratory Sessions, Group Presentations” and/or Seminars and guest speakers” in order to provide for application and practice of various knowledge & skills in theory courses. Attendance constitutes arriving at class on time.

Please consult with your instructors & refer to your course outlines for precise attendance guidelines.


Attendance at Tests and Examinations

Attendance is compulsory for all scheduled tests and examinations.

A student missing an evaluative method must contact the professor prior to the scheduled test/exam/assignment and clarify the reason for absence. Failure to notify your teacher of your absence in advance, will result in a grade of zero for that evaluative method.

At the teacher’s discretion, students arriving late for a test or exam, may not be admitted and, if admitted, may not be allowed additional time. However, students arriving after other students have exited the examination hall will not be allowed to take the test or exam.

Arrangements for makeup tests are as follows:

·  It is the students responsibility to contact the professor to arrange a re-test date and time.

·  Arrangements for missed tests for eligible students will be communicated in writing. Students are responsible for contacting the professor regarding the missed test. The missed test will be scheduled by the professor and may be any time between 0700 hours and 2100 hours on any day between Monday and Friday.

The format for any missed test (i.e. short answer and/or multiple choice and/or case study) is up to the discretion of the course professor. The format for the missed test will be communicated with the student prior to the scheduled date of the missed test.


An assignment is to be submitted before, or on the specified date and time as determined by the course instructor.

If a student cannot submit an assignment on the due date for any reason, he/she must notify the appropriate teacher prior to the assignment due date/time and request an extension giving reasons for the delay. If extension is not granted, the student is expected to have the assignment completed by the specified date.

In extenuating circumstances*, if a student cannot submit an assignment on the date for any reason, he/she must notify the appropriate teacher at least 24 hours in advance or as soon as possible and request an extension giving reasons for the delay. When an extension is granted, the student will receive full consideration for the assignment.

Assignments with extensions are due at a specific date and time as arranged with the teacher. Penalties as above apply to extended assignments.

In certain instances with late, makeup or remedial work, assignments may be marked as pass/fail (i.e. minimum/maximum 60%) only.

* Submit appropriate documentation to the professor by the student on or before writing the missed test. Appropriate documentation must support claims of extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness) and indicate that the student was unable to complete the test on the scheduled date.

Uniform Guidelines

The purpose of uniform guidelines is to promote student and client safety, and to maintain a professional appearance. Please refer to the Program Specific Policies for specific Uniform Guidelines.