
Program Team

Important People and Contact Information

Program Chairperson

Natashia Deer, RN, BScN, MN
Chair of Nursing Programs PN, PN IEN, PSW & HSCST
P.O. Box 631, Station A, Toronto, ON M1K 5E9
NDeer@centennialcollege.ca 755 Morningside Ave, Toronto, ON M1C5J9twitter.com/centennialedu

Program Faculty
Program faculty are available outside classroom hours to meet with students. A list of program faculty and their office hours are located at the Health Studies reception desk, room 352. Students are invited to meet with faculty for academic advising and to discuss specific course information. Faculty can also be reached by telephone (voicemail only) & email (myCentennial). Contact information is available at the Health Sciences Department office, Room 352-HPSTC.

Program Coordinator
The role of the Program Coordinator is to provide advisement to students in respect to academic planning and is the second person to be involved in addressing student concerns. We ask that any issues regarding specific courses (tests, work missed, and concerns) be discussed with appropriate classroom professors before discussing them with the supervisor. Students are encouraged to make appointments if you have academic questions, concerns, or comments.

Lorraine Nelson, Health Studies Program Coordinator
Phone Number: 416-289-5000 extension 58009
Room Number: Office is located on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352.
Email: lnelson@centennialcollege.ca

Marc Yamaguchi, English Program Coordinator

Telephone: 416 289-5000 Extension 57324


Success Advisor

Manal Abdullahi, Success Advisor

Phone Number: 416-289-5000 extension 8037
Room Number: Office is on the third floor, Health Sciences office in room 352.
Email: mabdullahi@centennialcollege.ca

Located within your School, you have a Success Advisor who will support you as you transition in, through, and beyond college. Helping you identify your academic and professional goals, your Success Advisor can help connect you to support, resources, and opportunities at the College.

Success Advisor as the first point of contact within the Centennial College, acting as a system navigator to educate and provides resource linkages to other areas (i.e. tutoring, learning strategists, CSD, PASS advising, etc.) that can aid in student’s overall academic performance.

Success Advisor acting as a resource to provide coping strategies for students undergoing normal stressors associated with the post-secondary experience.

Success Advisor acting as a resource, provides coping strategies and next steps for students and emotional and/or personal challenges affecting their academic performance.

Success Advisor provides information, advice, and guidance on program pathways, program transfers, transfer credits, degree audits, pre-requisites, equivalences, dropping and adding courses, plagiarism, grades, grade appeals, and withdrawals.

Department Administrator

The Program Information Officer is located at the reception desk of 352 and is available
to provide the department and general program information, including:

  • responding on behalf of the school, to telephone and in-person inquiries from
    students, faculty, and visitors to the health sciences office.
  • maintaining electronic and hard copy versions of student and program files.