
Program Model Route

Program Model Route

Every program has a set of courses that you are required to complete to graduate from the program. The courses needed for the completion of your program are outlined in your model route. Your model route shows the sequence of courses by semester that you are required to take, including experiential learning (e.g., work terms and field placements). Your model route also shows any pre-requisites and co-requisites. You will be expected to complete the courses and other requirements outlined in the model route that was in effect when you began your program unless there are program changes (program changes will be communicated to you).

Q.   What is a Program Model Route?

A.    Your program model route is developed in a table format that shows, by semester, all the courses that you are required to take to complete your program successfully, the hours for each course, pre-requisites, co-requisites, and any minimum grade requirements that exceed the College standards of 50%. The current program model for this program is below.

Q.   What is a co-requisite?

A.    A co-requisite is a course that is dependent on another course and must be taken in the same semester. If you fail one of the course, you may be required to repeat the other course(s) as well. All co-requisite courses are stated on your Program Model Route and on the course outline.

The courses required for completion of your program are outlined in your model route. Every program has a set of courses that you are required to successfully complete in order to graduate from the program. Your model route shows the sequence of courses by semester that you are required to take, including experiential learning (e.g., work terms and field placements). Your model route also shows any pre-requisites and co-requisites. You will be expected to complete the courses and other requirements outlined in the model route that was in effect when you began your program unless there are program changes (program changes will be communicated to you).

Your Model Route

Semester 1                                                                                              Fall 2023/ Winter 2024
Course Code Course Title Pre-/Co-Requisites Modality Lab Hours per Week Lecture Hours per Week Total Hours per Week Weeks Total Hours
COMM 142/143 Foundations 1: Developing College Communication Skills * see above 8 8 14 112
ENGL 125 Professional Communication within a Health Care Context (ESL) 3 3 14 42
FNED 218 The Workplace of Canada Part 1 3 3 14 42
HCFD 102 Academic Success Strategies 1 2 2 14 28
HCFD 104 Terminology for Health Care   Professionals 1 4 4 14 56
Total 280
Semester 2                                                                                             Winter 2022 / Summer 2022
Course Code Course Title Co-/Pre-Requisite Modality Lab Hours per Week Lecture Hours per Week Total Hours per Week Weeks Total Hours
ANAT 100 Anatomy and Physiology for Pre-Health P-COMM 142/143; ENGL 125;FNED 218; HCFD102; HCFD 104 4 4 14 56
COMM 162/163 Foundations 2: Building College English Skills (ESL) P-COMM 142/143; ENGL 125;FNED 218; HCFD102; HCFD 104 8 8 14 112
ENGL 135 Professional Communication within a Health Care Context 2 (ESL00 P-COMM 142/143; ENGL 125;FNED 218; HCFD102; HCFD 104 3 3 14 42
FNED 219 The Workplace of Canada Part 2 P-COMM 142/143; ENGL 125;FNED 218; HCFD102; HCFD 104 3 3 14 42
HCFD 122 Academic Success Strategies 2 P-COMM 142/143; ENGL 125;FNED 218; HCFD102; HCFD 104 2 2 14 28
HCFD 124 Terminology for Health Care   Professionals 2 P-COMM 142/143; ENGL 125;FNED 218; HCFD102; HCFD 104 3 3 14 42
Total 322
Total Program 602 hours
Minimum Grade Required: All courses require a minimum of a C grade

P = Pre-requisite

C = Co-requisite
