Participant & Observer Roles
Chapter 4: Standardized Patients
Simulation-based experiences (SBE) involving a standardized patient (SP) should have outcomes that are enhanced by SP interaction and/or feedback to maximize participant learning.
Participants in SBE with SPs value patient centered feedback, improve their ability to communicate, awareness of legal and ethical principles in healthcare, and gain confidence in challenging clinical encounters.
“The integration of SPs into SBE promotes both physical and functional fidelity, improving the ability for participants to suspend disbelief” (Cowperthwait, 2020, p. 19).
Participants with limited exposure to SBE with SPs and/or clinical experience should be informed about the presence of an SP in the simulation prior to the pre-briefing to ensure psychological fidelity. Since the pre-briefing serves as a deliberate pause in the simulation center’s activities, participants should be reminded about the involvement of an SP in the SBE and briefed on the extent of feedback the SP will provide during the debriefing. Facilitators should encourage participants to ask any additional questions before the SBE commences, and they should clearly outline the expectations for SP feedback during the debriefing.