Chapter 1: A New Scene


Part of developing a growth mindset is to change the way we are thinking and flip some notions upside down. Those with a growth mindset see failures as opportunities to learn and improve and can change negative self-talk into positive affirmations to help themselves keep going through challenges.

Viewing Failure as an Opportunity

Viewing failure as an opportunity to learn is a vital part of having a growth mindset. Let’s consider the fact that failure is a very natural part of the human experience and how it can lead to great success!

We learn much more from failure than we do from success. Take, for example, a baby girl learning to walk. First, she will push herself up and maybe hold on to a hand or furniture to steady herself, but she is going to fall before she begins to make any solid steps. She gets back up and keeps trying … and falling. In fact, research (Adolph et al., 2012) shows that babies learn to walk by learning how to fall. When they master how to fall, they are much more successful at learning how to walk. Yet, it is not often thought that a baby is failing because they are falling when learning how to walk. Just like when we are learning any new skill (riding a bike, beating a level on a video game, trying a new recipe, using new technology), we are not considered to be failing because we aren’t doing it perfectly.

Let’s take a look at some popular failures that led to great success.

Historical Failures that produced positive outcomes. Penicillin had the original goal to create a wonder drug to cure diseases. Outcome failed experiment contained a mold that dissolved bacteria around it. Chocolate chip cookies original goal to make regular chocolate cookies. Outcome substituted pieces of sweetened chocolate for the original chocolate didn't melt as expected. Silly Putty original goal was to make a rubber substitute for tires boots, etc. out of silicone. Outcome failed but ended up creating a gooey substance that bounced.
Historical failures that produced positive outcomes include the invention of penicillin, chocolate chip cookies, and Silly Putty.
Historical failures that produced positive outcomes. Pacemaker original goal was to use radio frequency heating to record heart beat & restore body temperature for treating hypothermia. Outcome was accidentally used a smaller piece of equipment that mismatched the heart beat & stimulated the heart. Microwave oven has an original goal of radar- related research using a new vacuum tube. The outcome was candy bars unexpectedly melted & corn popped outside the tube. Fireworks/gunpowder original goal was a cooking experiment by a chief in China. The outcome was a mixture of charcoal, sulphur & saltpeter exploded when compressed in a bamboo tube.
Historical failures that produced positive outcomes include the pacemaker, the microwave oven and fireworks/gunpowder.
Historical failures that produced positive outcomes. Synthetic dye (mauve) original goal was to research a cure for Malaria. The outcomes the "mess" created by the failed experiment resulted in a mauve colour radiating from the petri dish. Slinky original goal was to develop a meter to monitor power on naval battleships. The outcome was tension spring fell on the floor & kept bouncing from place to place.
Historical failures that produced positive outcomes include synthetic dye (mauve) and the Slinky.

Developing a Growth Mindset

How can we develop a growth mindset that is primed to embrace change and new opportunities?

Video: 4 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset

Watch the video 4 Steps to Developing a Growth Mindset [3:54] from Quality Insolvency Services Ltd.

Activity: Growth Mindset

Complete the activity on growth mindset by typing your response to the prompt in the space provided.



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E.Y.E.S. at Seneca Copyright © 2024 by Michael Buzdon; Seneca Polytechnic Accessible Learning Services; and The Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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